Mike Simonsen

Mike Simonsen is one of the world's leading variable star observers. He works for the American Association of Variable Star Observers as Membership Director and heads the organization's Cataclysmic Variable Section, Chart Team, Mentor Program, Speakers Bureau and Writers Bureau. He writes the astronomy and variable star blog, Simostronomy and is a cast member of the Slacker Astronomy podcast. An animated and enthusiastic speaker, Mike has given dozens of talks on stellar astronomy and variable star science for astronomy clubs, star parties, planetariums and university groups throughout the United States. He is author or co-author of dozens peer-reviewed papers on cataclysmic variable stars. Mike's observatory houses two 12" LX200 telescopes, one for visual use and one for CCD observations, or as Mike likes to joke, "One for each eye!" He is now amassing both visual and CCD observations from home and robotic telescopes.

Hubble’s 1923 Nova in Andromeda Erupts Again!

[/caption] On December 11, 1923, Edwin Hubble discovered a nova in the Andromeda galaxy. Novae occurring in our Milky Way's…

12 years ago

Goldilocks Moons

[/caption] The search for extraterrestrial life outside our Solar System is currently focused on extrasolar planets within the 'habitable zones'…

12 years ago

Supernova Alphabet Soup

[/caption] The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is the sole body responsible for the official naming of astronomical objects. So if…

12 years ago

20 Million Observations by Amateur Astronomers!

[/caption]Early into the celebration of its centennial year, observers of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) passed another…

13 years ago

Solving the Mystery of Dark Gamma Ray Bursts

[/caption] Unraveling the mystery of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) is a story filled with international intrigue, fantastic claims, serious back-tracking,…

13 years ago

Asteroid Scheila Sprouts a Tail and Coma

[/caption] When is an asteroid not an asteroid? When it turns out to be a comet, of course. Has this…

13 years ago

Venus Has a Moon?

[/caption] Astronomers have been busy trying to determine the spin period and composition of Venus' moon. December 8, 2010, results…

13 years ago

J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!

[/caption] It seems oddly appropriate to be writing about astrophysical jets on Thanksgiving Day, when the New York football Jets…

13 years ago

Symbiotic Variable Star On the Verge of an Eruption?

[/caption] November 23rd, astronomers from the Asiago Novae and Symbiotic Stars collaboration announced recent changes in the symbiotic variable star, AX Persei,…

13 years ago

Do Puny White Dwarfs Make Wimpy Supernovae?

[/caption] Based on results from a radial velocity survey, Warren Brown, (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and his team have placed a…

13 years ago