
Even Citizen Scientists are Getting Time on JWST

Over the years, members of the public have regularly made exciting discoveries and meaningful contributions to the scientific process through…

2 years ago

Citizen Scientists Discover a new Feature in Star Formation: “Yellowballs”

AI is often touted as being particularly good at finding patterns amongst reams of data.  But humans also are extremely…

3 years ago

We Now Have a 3D Map of The 525 Closest Brown Dwarfs

Zooniverse brings out the best of the internet - it leverages the skills of average people to perform scientific feats…

3 years ago

Hubble is the Ultimate Multitasker: Discovering Asteroids While it’s Doing Other Observations

It looks like a poster of the famous Hubble Deep Field, marked with white streaks by a child, or put…

5 years ago

Four Candidates For Planet 9 Located

A concentrated three-day search for a mysterious, unseen planet in the far reaches of our own solar system has yielded…

7 years ago

JPL Needs Citizen Scientists To Hunt Martian Polygonal Ridges

NASA is seeking citizen-scientists to help them identify ridge formations on Mars, which could help us to understanding at the…

7 years ago

Mars Needs You! Help Scientists Track Spring Thaw On Red Planet

We've been watching Mars with spacecraft for about 50 years, but there's still so little we know about the Red…

10 years ago

Zooniverse Reaches One Million Volunteers

Zooniverse — the renowned home of citizen science projects — is now one million strong. That’s one million registered volunteers…

10 years ago

Search for Planetary Nurseries in the Latest Citizen Science Project

Growing up, my sister played video games and I read books. Now that she has a one-year-old daughter we constantly…

10 years ago

NASA Plans To Deepen Asteroid Searches With Planetary Resources

Planetary Resources Inc. -- that company that is developing a crowdsourced space telescope to search for asteroids -- is planning…

11 years ago