
How Animal Movements Help Us Study the Planet

Scientists have been underutilizing a key resource we can use to help us understand Earth: animals. Our fellow Earthlings have…

4 months ago

There’s So Much Pressure at the Earth’s Core, it Makes Iron Behave in a Strange Way

It's one of nature's topsy-turvy tricks that the deep interior of the Earth is as hot as the Sun's surface.…

3 years ago

What is an Ice Age?

Planet Earth has gone through several "ice ages", where dropping temperatures has led to the expansion of ice sheets and…

8 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 415: Temperature of the Universe

The temperature of the Universe can vary a dramatic amount from the hot cores of stars to the vast cold…

8 years ago

Could We Terraform a Black Hole?

Is there any possible way to take a black hole and terraform it to be a place we could actually…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 383: Approaches to Absolute Zero

The coldest possible theoretical temperature is Absolute Zero, this is the point at which no further energy can be extracted…

9 years ago

In Fact It’s Cold As Hell: Mars Isn’t As Earthlike As It Might Look

The slopes of Gale Crater as seen by Curiosity are reminiscent of the American southwest (NASA/JPL-Caltech) "Mars ain't no kind…

12 years ago

What is the Boltzmann Constant?

There are actually two Boltzmann constants, the Boltzmann constant and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant; both play key roles in astrophysics ……

15 years ago

Earth Surface Temperature

[/caption] The average Earth surface temperature is 14° C. That's 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F. As you probably realize, that…

15 years ago

What is Absolute Temperature?

If you measure temperature relative to absolute zero, the temperature is an absolute temperature; absolute zero is 0. The most…

15 years ago