
Does Life Really Need Planets? Maybe Not

Do we have a planetary bias when it comes to understanding where life can perpetuate? It's only natural that we…

2 months ago

How Animal Movements Help Us Study the Planet

Scientists have been underutilizing a key resource we can use to help us understand Earth: animals. Our fellow Earthlings have…

10 months ago

There’s So Much Pressure at the Earth’s Core, it Makes Iron Behave in a Strange Way

It's one of nature's topsy-turvy tricks that the deep interior of the Earth is as hot as the Sun's surface.…

3 years ago

What is an Ice Age?

Planet Earth has gone through several "ice ages", where dropping temperatures has led to the expansion of ice sheets and…

8 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 415: Temperature of the Universe

The temperature of the Universe can vary a dramatic amount from the hot cores of stars to the vast cold…

9 years ago

Could We Terraform a Black Hole?

Is there any possible way to take a black hole and terraform it to be a place we could actually…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 383: Approaches to Absolute Zero

The coldest possible theoretical temperature is Absolute Zero, this is the point at which no further energy can be extracted…

10 years ago

In Fact It’s Cold As Hell: Mars Isn’t As Earthlike As It Might Look

The slopes of Gale Crater as seen by Curiosity are reminiscent of the American southwest (NASA/JPL-Caltech) "Mars ain't no kind…

12 years ago

What is the Boltzmann Constant?

There are actually two Boltzmann constants, the Boltzmann constant and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant; both play key roles in astrophysics ……

15 years ago

Earth Surface Temperature

[/caption] The average Earth surface temperature is 14° C. That's 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F. As you probably realize, that…

15 years ago