sgr a

Milky Way’s Black Hole Just Flared, Growing 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours

Even though the black hole at the center of the Milky Way is a monster, it's still rather quiet. Called…

5 years ago

Mysterious Object “G2” at Galactic Center is Actually Binary Star

A mysterious object swinging around the supermassive black hole in the center our galaxy has surprised astronomers by actually surviving…

10 years ago

Object “G2” Still Intact at Closest Approach to Galactic Center, Astronomers Report

The latest observations by the Keck Observatory in Hawaii show that the gas cloud called “G2” was surprisingly still intact,…

11 years ago

Best Evidence Yet for a High-Energy Jet Emanating from the Milky Way’s Black Hole

Jets of high energy particles emanating from a black hole have been detected plenty of times before, but in other…

11 years ago

Sgr A* Could Be a Relic of a Powerful AGN

The early universe was sizzling with active galactic nuclei (AGN) — intensely luminous cores powered by supermassive black holes — most…

11 years ago

Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole is a Sloppy Eater

Like most galaxies, our Milky Way has a dark monster in its middle: an enormous black hole with the mass…

11 years ago

How do Hypervelocity Stars End up Breaking The Speed Limit?

The Sun is racing through the Galaxy at a speed that is 30 times greater than a space shuttle in…

12 years ago

Galactic Gas Cloud Could Help Spot Hidden Black Holes

The heart of our Milky Way galaxy is an exotic place. It's swarming with gigantic stars, showered by lethal blasts…

12 years ago

Black Hole Jets Might Be Molded by Magnetism

Visible-light Hubble image of the jet emitted by the 3-billion-solar-mass black hole at the heart of galaxy M87 (Feb. 1998)…

12 years ago

The Milky Way’s Black Hole Shoots Out Brightest Flare Ever

This false-color image shows the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy as seen by Chandra. The bright, point-like source…

12 years ago