
Ocean Circulation Might Be the Key to Finding Habitable Exoplanets

We've found thousands and thousands of exoplanets now. And spacecraft like TESS will likely find thousands and thousands more of…

5 years ago

3 Billion Years Ago, the World Might Have Been a Waterworld, With No Continents At All

Evidence from an ancient section of the Earth's crust suggest that Earth was once a water-world, some three billion years…

5 years ago

This is What the World Would Look Like if the Oceans Dried Up

Don't worry. The oceans aren't going to dry up. At least not any time soon, so no need to add…

5 years ago

New Study Shows How Breaching “Carbon Threshold” Could Trigger Mass Extinction in Earth’s Oceans

A NASA and NSF-supported study by an MIT geophysicist indicates that carbon emissions could push the Earth's oceans past a…

6 years ago

Rosetta’s Instruments Direct Scientists to Look Elsewhere for the Source of Earth’s Water

Where did all of our water come from? What might seem like a simple question has challenged and intrigued planetary…

10 years ago

What Percent of Earth is Water?

The Earth is often compared to a majestic blue marble, especially by those privileged few who have gazed upon it…

10 years ago

How Do The Tides Work?

Anyone who lives close to ocean is familiar with the tides. And you probably know they have something to do…

10 years ago

50 Amazing Facts About Earth

Do you know how much material falls onto Earth from space every day? How many different species there are in…

12 years ago

Earth’s Van Gogh Oceans

I was traveling the day this video was released, so missed posting it earlier. If you haven't seen it yet,…

13 years ago

Tsunami Pictures

Tsunamis are some of the most devastating natural disasters. The recent Boxing Day Tsunami was generated by an enormous earthquake…

15 years ago