Mars Express Orbiter

Don't Get Your Hopes Up for Finding Liquid Water on Mars

In the coming decades, NASA and China intend to send the first crewed missions to Mars. Given the distance involved…

1 month ago

How Mars’ Moon Phobos Captures Our Imaginations

For a small, lumpy chunk of rock that barely reflects any light, Mars' Moon Phobos draws a lot of attention.…

2 months ago

Fly Around Jezero Crater on Mars in This New Video

There’s a reason Jezero Crater was chosen as the landing site for the Perseverance Rover: it is considered one of…

1 year ago

Is the Underground Lake on Mars Just Volcanic Rock?

Is Mars home to an underwater lake? Different researchers are reaching different conclusions. Some say remote sensing from the Mars…

2 years ago

Every Spring a Single Cloud Forms at one of Mars’ Tallest Mountains and Only Lasts for a few Hours

Sometimes even forgotten pieces of technology can lead to completely new science.  That was the case recently when scientists at…

3 years ago

Beautiful Image of Ice at Mars’ Northern Polar Cap

A new image from the ESA's Mars Express spacecraft shows how beautiful, and desolate, Mars can appear. It also highlights…

5 years ago

Mars Express Takes Photos of Phobos as it Flies Past

The ESA's Mars Express Orbiter is no stranger to the Martian moon Phobos. The spacecraft was launched in June 2003…

5 years ago

This Dried Up Riverbed Shows that Water Once Flowed on the Surface of Mars

From some viewpoints, Mars is kind of like a skeleton of Earth. We can see that it had volcanoes, oceans,…

5 years ago

Mars’ North Pole is Doing the Dust Storms Thing Again

It's easy to take for granted the detailed, almost real-time knowledge of Mars that we have at our fingertips. After…

5 years ago

Signs that Ancient Rivers Flowed Across the Surface of Mars, Billions of Years Ago

Billions of years ago, Mars was likely a much warmer and wetter place than the cold, dry, barren world we…

5 years ago