
Comparing Two Proposed NASA Missions to Jupiter’s Moon Io

Thanks to NASA's Juno mission to the Jupiter system, we're getting our best looks ever at the gas giant's volcanic…

1 week ago

If We Want To Find Life-Supporting Worlds, We Should Focus on Small Planets With Large Moons

There's no perfect way of doing anything, including searching for exoplanets. Every planet-hunting method has some type of bias. We've…

2 months ago

How Mars’ Moon Phobos Captures Our Imaginations

For a small, lumpy chunk of rock that barely reflects any light, Mars' Moon Phobos draws a lot of attention.…

3 months ago

Are Titan's Dunes Made of Comet Dust?

A new theory suggests that Titan's majestic dune fields may have come from outer space. Researchers had always assumed that…

5 months ago

Did An Ancient Icy Impactor Create the Martian Moons?

The Martian moons Phobos and Deimos are oddballs. While other Solar System moons are round, Mars' moons are misshapen and…

5 months ago

A Single Grain of Ice Could Hold Evidence of Life on Europa and Enceladus

The Solar System's icy ocean moons are primary targets in our search for life. Missions to Europa and Enceladus will…

5 months ago

Europe Has Big Plans for Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

Saturn's moon, Enceladus, is a gleaming beacon that captivates our intellectual curiosity. Its clean, icy surface makes it one of…

5 months ago

What Can We Learn Flying Through the Plumes at Enceladus?

In the next decade, space agencies will expand the search for extraterrestrial life beyond Mars, where all of our astrobiology…

6 months ago

Perseverance Sees Phobos, Deimos and Mercury Passing in Front of the Sun

NASA's Perseverance rover is busy exploring the Martian surface and collecting samples for eventual return to Earth. But the rover…

6 months ago

How Warm Are the Oceans on the Icy Moons? The Ice Thickness Provides a Clue.

Scientists are discovering that more and more Solar System objects have warm oceans under icy shells. The moons Enceladus and…

6 months ago