Mars climate

Zhurong is Rolling on Mars

China's Zhurong rover has departed from its lander and commenced science operations, and has the pictures to prove it!

3 years ago

Iceland is a Similar Environment to Ancient Mars

A new study conducted by NASA scientists and Rice University shows how Iceland's environment is the closest analog on Earth…

3 years ago

Martian Features Were Carved by Glaciers, not Flowing Rivers

Orbiters are giving us a chance to study the surface of Mars closely, and some of the features that pop…

4 years ago

When Martian Storms Really Get Going, they Create Towers of Dust 80 Kilometers High

When a huge dust storm on Mars—like the one in 2018—reaches its full power, it can turn into a globe-bestriding…

5 years ago

NASA Supercomputer Simulates the Weather on Mars

The Martian atmosphere is a lot different than Earth's. It's over 95% carbon dioxide, and contains only trace amounts of…

5 years ago

Martian Clouds Might Start with Meteor Trails Through the Atmosphere

On Earth, clouds form when enough droplets of water condense out of the air. And those droplets require a tiny…

5 years ago