machine learning

Finding Life in the Solar System Means Crunching a Lot of Data. The Perfect Job for Machine Learning

There are plenty of places for life to hide. Even on our blue planet, where we know there is abundant…

1 year ago

Machine Learning is a Powerful Tool When Searching for Exoplanets

A new machine learning technique will help astronomers detect young exoplanets in disks surrounding other stars.

1 year ago

More Data and Machine Learning has Kicked SETI Into High Gear

An international team of SETI researchers used a new algorithm to look for technosignatures in GBT data. They found 8…

1 year ago

Not Just Stars. Gaia Mapped a Diverse and Shifting Universe of Variable Objects

We've reported on Gaia's incredible data-collection abilities in the past. Recently, it released DR3, its latest data set, with over…

2 years ago

A Computer Algorithm is 88% Accurate in Finding Gravitational Lenses

Astronomers have been assessing a new machine learning algorithm to determine how reliable it is for finding gravitational lenses hidden…

2 years ago

If Aliens Were Sending us Signals, This is What They Might Look Like

An international team of scientists have created a new tool for identifying possible radio transmissions from an extraterrestrial civilization

2 years ago

Machine Learning Will be one of the Best Ways to Identify Habitable Exoplanets

A new study has shown how machine learning will aid next-generation telescopes in the search for water on exoplanets.

2 years ago

A Machine-Learning Algorithm Just Found 301 Additional Planets in Kepler Data

Using a new type of deep-learning algorithm, a team of NASA scientists have detected 301 more exoplanets in the Kepler…

3 years ago

Researchers Have Taught a Drone to Recognize and Hunt Down Meteorites Autonomously

Planetary scientists estimate that each year, about 500 meteorites survive the fiery trip through Earth’s atmosphere and fall to our…

3 years ago

The Most Comprehensive 3D Map of Galaxies Has Been Released

Using the largest survey ever conducted, a team of astronomers from the IfA have created the largest 3D catalog of…

4 years ago