lunar missions

One Day Astronauts Will Be Breathing Oxygen Made From Rocks

When there's a permanent base on the Moon, astronauts will need a way to replenish their oxygen supply. Fortunately, there's…

2 years ago

A Gravitational Wave Observatory on the Moon Could "Hear" 70% of the Observable Universe

A gravitational-wave telescope on the Moon could span the gap between Earth-based and space-based observations.

4 years ago

SpaceX is Sure They’ll be Able to Land Starship on the Moon in 2022

As the president of SpaceX said at the 2019 IAC, the company hopes to conduct missions to the Moon by…

5 years ago

Toyota is Building a Pressurized Lunar Rover for Japan

JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, is teaming up with the nation's largest company to build a lunar rover. Toyota,…

6 years ago

SpaceIL Scraps its Plans to go Back to the Moon. Instead, it’s Got a New Secret “Significant Objective” for Beresheet 2

Mystery. Secrecy. A Need-To-Know Basis. These are the hallmarks of science. Wait a minute: no they're not. So what's with…

6 years ago

Extreme Bacteria on the Space Station are Evolving to Handle the Harsh Conditions, not to Make Astronauts Sick

A new study conducted by researchers from NWU has shown that bacteria do not mutate into super bugs.

6 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 478: Apollo 8 with Paul Hildebrandt

On Christmas Day, 1968 Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders became the first human being to see the far…

7 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 477: State of Exploration: Once and Future Moon

It's been decades since humans set foot on the Moon. Well, it's time to go back, in theory. Of course,…

7 years ago

Upcoming Chinese Lander Will Carry Insects and Plants to the Surface of the Moon

This year, China's Chang'e 4 mission will head to the far side of the Moon to study the local geology…

7 years ago

There Could Be Lava Tubes on the Moon, Large Enough for Whole Cities

Every year since 1970, astronomers, geologists, geophysicists, and a host of other specialists have come together to participate in the…

10 years ago