chandrasekhar limit

Strange Green Star is the Result of a Merger Between two White Dwarfs

Chandrasekhar found there is an upper limit for the mass of a white dwarf, but some white dwarfs can break…

4 years ago

Scientists Recreate the Density of a White Dwarf in the Lab

Inside a white dwarf, atoms are squeezed almost to the point of collape. Now we've created this matter in a…

4 years ago

Bizarre Star Could be the Result of Two White Dwarfs Merging Together

Stars live and die on epic time scales. Tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, even billions…

5 years ago

This Star Has Been Going Nova Every Year, for Millions of Years

A nova star is like a vampire that siphons gas from its binary partner. As it does so, the gas…

5 years ago

Two Stars On A Death Spiral Set To Detonate As A Supernova

Two white dwarfs circle around one other, locked in a fatal tango. With an intimate orbit and a hefty combined mass, the pair is ultimately…

9 years ago

Chandrasekhar Limit

[/caption] When a human puts on too much weight, there is an increased risk of heart attack; when a white…

15 years ago