
Cosmologist Thinks a Strange Signal May Be Evidence of a Parallel Universe

In the beginning, there was chaos. Hot, dense, and packed with energetic particles, the early Universe was a turbulent, bustling place.…

9 years ago

What’s the Big Deal About the Pentaquark?

"Three quarks for Muster Mark!," wrote James Joyce in his labyrinthine fable, Finnegan's Wake. By now, you may have heard this quote -…

9 years ago

Two New Subatomic Particles Found

With its first runs of colliding protons in 2008-2013, the Large Hadron Collider has now been providing a stream of…

10 years ago

Quasars Tell The Story Of How Fast The Young Universe Expanded

For those who saw the Cosmos episode on William Herschel describing telescopes as time machines, here is a clear example…

10 years ago