Come on Eta Carinae… Explode Already!

17 years ago

The death watch is on for Eta Carinae, a relatively nearby massive star that's set to explode as a supernova.…

Carnival of Space #8

17 years ago

The carnival is back in town. Once again, the carnival of space makes its home here at Universe Today. Enjoy…

Hazy Days on Titan

17 years ago

Here's a photograph of Saturn's moon Titan, captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The image was captured on May 13, 2007…

Hubble Delivers Photos of Ceres and Vesta

17 years ago

On July 7, 2007 NASA will launch its next explorer into the Solar System. This spacecraft's destinations are the asteroids…

Astrosphere for June 20, 2007

17 years ago

All right, here's what's happening around the astrosphere. Today's photo is of the International Space Station and the space shuttle…

Are Microscopic Black Holes Buzzing Inside the Earth?

17 years ago

There's a book by Larry Niven called "Hole Man", where a group of explorers on Mars come across an alien…

The Cosmic Horseshoe, a Nearly Complete Einstein Ring

17 years ago

If you want to peer into the furthest reaches of space, a regular telescope won't do. You need to harness…

Tiny Mimas Beneath the Rings

17 years ago

Here's a cool picture taken by Cassini of Saturn and one of its moons, Mimas - 397 kilometers (247 miles)…

Astrosphere for June 19, 2007

17 years ago

Here's the latest astrosphere. Your picture for the day is the trail left by a Cosmos 2369 Rocket body as…

Be an Astronaut on a Simulated Mars Mission

17 years ago

Are you interested in traveling to Mars? Okay, maybe not actually going to Mars, but what about a simulated voyage?…