Every second in the Universe, more than 3,000 new stars form as clouds of dust and gas undergo gravitational collapse. Afterward, the remaining dust and gas settle into a swirling disk that feeds the star’s growth and eventually accretes to form planets – otherwise known as a protoplanetary disk. While this model, known as the Nebular Hypothesis, is the most widely accepted theory, the exact processes that give rise to stars and planetary systems are not yet fully understood. Shedding light on these processes is one of the many objectives of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
In a recent study, an international team of astronomers led by University of Arizona researchers and supported by scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy (MPIA) used the JWST’s advanced infrared optics to examine protoplanetary disks around new stars. These observations provided the most detailed insights into the gas flows that sculpt and shape protoplanetary disks over time. They also confirm what scientists have theorized for a long time and offer clues about what our Solar System looked like roughly 4.6 billion years ago.
The research was led by Ilaria Pascucci, a Professor of astrophysics and planetary science from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (LPL) at The University of Arizona. She was joined by researchers from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), the Observatoire de Paris, the National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab), the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, and multiple universities. The paper that describes their findings recently appeared in Nature Astronomy.

In order for young stars to grow, they must draw in gas from the protoplanetary disk surrounding them. For that to happen, the gas must lose angular momentum (inertia); otherwise, it would consistently orbit the star and never accrete onto it. However, the mechanism that allows this to happen has remained the subject of debate among astronomers. In recent years, magnetically driven disk winds have emerged as a possible mechanism. Primarily powered by magnetic fields, these “winds” funnel streams of gas away from the planet-forming disk into space at dozens of kilometers per second.
This causes it to lose angular momentum, allowing the leftover gas to fall inward toward the star. For their study, the researchers selected four protoplanetary disk systems that appear edge-on when viewed from Earth. Using Webb’s Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), the team could trace various wind layers by tuning the instrument to detect distinct atoms and molecules in certain transition states. The team also obtained spatially resolved spectral information across the entire field of view using the spectrograph’s Integral Field Unit (IFU).
This allowed the team to trace the disk winds in unprecedented detail and revealed an intricate, three-dimensional layered structure: a central jet nested inside a cone-shaped envelope of winds at increasing distances. The team also noted a pronounced central hole inside the cones in all four protoplanetary disks. According to Pascucci, one of the most important processes at work is how the star accretes matter from its surrounding disk:
“How a star accretes mass has a big influence on how the surrounding disk evolves over time, including the way planets form later on. The specific ways in which this happens have not been understood, but we think that winds driven by magnetic fields across most of the disk surface could play a very important role.”
However, other processes are also responsible for shaping protoplanetary disks. These include “X-wind,” where the star’s magnetic field pushes material outward at the inner edge of the disk. There are also “thermal winds,” which blow at much slower velocities and are caused by intense starlight eroding its outer edge. The high sensitivity and resolution of the JWST were ideally suited to distinguish between the magnetic field-driven wind, the X-wind, and the thermal wind. These observations revealed a nested structure of the various wind components that had never been seen before.

A crucial distinction between the magnetically driven and the X-winds is how they are located farther out and cover broader regions. These winds cover regions that correspond to the inner rocky planets of our solar system, roughly between Earth and Mars. They also extend farther above the disk than thermal winds, reaching hundreds of times the distance between Earth and the Sun. While astronomers previously found observational evidence of these winds based on interferometric observations at radio wavelengths, they could not image the full disk in detail to determine the winds’ morphology.
In contrast, the new JWST observations revealed a nested structure and morphology that matched what astronomers anticipated for magnetically driven disk wind. Looking ahead, Pascucci’s and her team hope to expand these observations to more protoplanetary disks to see how common the observed disk wind structures are and how they evolve.
“Our observations strongly suggest that we have obtained the first detailed images of the winds that can remove angular momentum and solve the longstanding problem of how stars and planetary systems form,” she said. “We believe they could be common, but with four objects, it’s a bit difficult to say. We want to get a larger sample with JWST and then also see if we can detect changes in these winds as stars assemble and planets form.”
Further Reading: MPIA, Nature Astronomy
well ,how these gas can get magnetized ? Electric currents inside the nebula ?
The X-wind model is of course of magnetic fields originating from the central accreting object (protostar), from an “X” region of the inner edge of the accretion disk where it corotates with the object, while the MHD models are of of accretion disks magnetic fields analogous to other accretion disks.
If these accretion disks are analogous to black hole accretion disks, they scope up and concentrate galactic magnetic fields to the high field densities of the inner disk regions.
For star massed black holes the fields are generally arresting the disk (MAD model) while they attain a poloidal geometry against the unyielding black hole (tends to dissolve within and eject without magnetic fields, like any other superconductor). [The first self consistent supermassive black hole model show a more complicated disk with “an intermediate-scale, flux-frozen disk which is gravitoturbulent and stabilized by magnetic pressure sustaining strong turbulence and inflow with persistent spiral modes.” But is also scoping up the galactic fields, see Hopkins, Philip F., Michael Y. Grudic, Kung-Yi Su, Sarah Wellons, Daniel Angles-Alcazar, Ulrich P. Steinwandel, David Guszejnov, et al. 2024. “FORGE’d in FIRE: Resolving the End of Star Formation and Structure of AGN Accretion Disks from Cosmological Initial Conditions.” The Open Journal of Astrophysics 7 (March).]
For protoplanetary disks with their X-wind structure interfacing to the MHD model, it seems from the paper that the MHD physics may be the dominant in enforcing the jets.
The galactic magnetic fields quite obviously doesn’t carry currents. Here is how Scholarpedia describes it:
“The ISM contains equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles, so that large-scale electric currents (that could induce large-scale magnetic fields) cannot be maintained. The most promising mechanism for field amplification is the dynamo that transfers mechanical energy into magnetic energy (e.g. Beck et al. 1996, Brandenburg & Subramanian 2005, Beck et al. 2019). With a suitable configuration of the gas flow, a strong magnetic field with a stationary or oscillating configuration can be generated from a weak seed field. Seed fields could have been generated in the early Universe, e.g. at cosmological phase transitions, or in shocks in protogalactic halos (Biermann battery), or through fluctuations in the protogalactic plasma.”
I should add that a promising GR MHD model of accretion disk precession – due to rotating black hole frame dragging – implies star massed black hole jets are shaped by the accretion disk, poloidal field bunching or not. The model accurately describes “the low-frequency quasiperiodic oscillation (0.01–1 Hz) observed in some ultraluminous X-ray sources.”
“This is caused by the [frame dragging Lense-Thirring] LT effect becoming more effective closer to the BH. The accretion disk is thought to precess with a period of ?1.2 × 10^5 t_g, keeping the above distorted structure. In addition, the ejection direction of the jet, launched from the super-Eddington accretion disk with the velocity of 0.3c, is closer to the rotation axis of the accretion disk in r >= 15r_g than the BH spin axis. This ejection direction precesses due to the precession of the disk. Radiation energy is also mainly released in approximately the same direction as the
[“General Relativistic Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of Precessing Tilted Super-Eddington Disks” The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 973, Number 1, Yuta Asahina and Ken Ohsuga 2024 ApJ 973 45.]