Categories: Virtual Star Party

Virtual Star Party – November 10, 2013

Host: Scott Lewis

Astronomers: Stuart Forman, David Dickinson, Tom Nathe, Roy Salisbury, Mike Phillips, Thad Szabo

Topics covered: GOCE satellite reentry, Soyuz returns with 3 crew members, M57 Ring Nebula, the Moon, solar activity, M27 Omega or Apple Core planetary nebula, 2013-TV135 Near-Earth Object, VDB9 dark nebula, Western Veil Nebula, Thad’s sketch of the moon’s detail and sketching observations, Roy Salsibury’s gorgeous 21-hour NGC 891 observation

We hold the Virtual Star Party every Sunday night as a live Google+ Hangout on Air. We begin the show when it gets dark on the West Coast. If you want to get a notification, make sure you circle the Virtual Star Party on Google+. You can watch on our YouTube channel or here on Universe Today.

Fraser Cain

Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He's also the co-host of Astronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay. Here's a link to my Mastodon account.

Published by
Fraser Cain

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