
Amazing Video Takes Flight Across the Dunes of Mars

Mars may be a cold, dry, dead world, but it's still part of nature. As part of nature, it displays…

2 years ago

NASA Releases a Stunning New Supercut of the Artemis I Launch

NASA just released a new supercut of high-resolution video from the Artemis I launch on November 16, 2022. Much of…

2 years ago

Check Out How Big the Planets and the Moon Will be in Our Sky Over the Next Two Years

Everything in space is moving. Galaxies collide and merge, massive clouds of gas migrate, and asteroids, comets, and rogue planets…

4 years ago

This is What the World Would Look Like if the Oceans Dried Up

Don't worry. The oceans aren't going to dry up. At least not any time soon, so no need to add…

5 years ago

Check Out This Super-Cool Quad Video of the Falcon Re-Entry. Two Sonic Booms!

Elon Musk has posted a four-panel video of the Falcon re-entry on his Twitter feed and it's driving even jaded…

6 years ago

What’s the Difference Between a Rocket and Space Plane? Amazing Hand-Drawn Animations Explain It All

You gotta love Earth's atmosphere. It basically makes life (as we know it) possible on our planet by providing warmth…

8 years ago

Land On Titan With Huygens in Beautiful New Video

On December 25, 2004, the piggybacking Huygens probe was released from the ‘mothership’ Cassini spacecraft and it arrived at Titan…

8 years ago

At ISO 400,000, This 6-Minute Film Shows Why We Love the Night Sky

Obviously, you’ve seen timelapse videos of the night sky because we share them here on Universe Today all the time.…

8 years ago

See the Beauty of Earth and Space in Stunning New ISS Timelapse

Moonrises, sunsets, aurorae and of course, our beautiful planet Earth star in this latest timelapse compiled from imagery taken by…

10 years ago

5 Stunning Timelapse Videos Show the World at Night in Motion

Award-winning photographer Babak Tafreshi from The World At Night (TWAN) has been traveling the world to captures nightscapes in various…

10 years ago