Venus Express

Venus Express Prepares to Descend into Hell

Venus is definitely not a friendly planet for humanity. Soviet landers that arrived on the surface a few decades back…

10 years ago

‘Rainbow’ on Venus Seen for First Time

Oh glory! A rainbow-like optical phenomenon known as a ‘glory’ has been imaged for the first time on another planet.…

10 years ago

Rare Spectacular Triple Planet Conjunction Wows World! – Astrophoto Gallery

Triple planets (Venus/Jupiter/Mercury) conjunction over Mont-Saint-Michel, Normandy, France on May 26. Credit: Thierry Legault Update: See expanded Conjunction astrophoto…

11 years ago

Take a Rollercoaster Ride Around Venus

If you've ever wanted to see what it's like to buzz Venus like only a spacecraft can, here's your chance:…

12 years ago

Are Venus’ Volcanoes Still Active?

Artist’s impression of an active volcano on Venus (ESA/AOES) Incredibly dense, visually opaque and loaded with caustic sulfuric acid, Venus'…

12 years ago

ESA: Unveiling Venus

[/caption] With Venus about to get its day in the Sun -- very much literally -- the European Space Agency…

12 years ago

Is Venus’ Rotation Slowing Down?

New measurements from ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft shows that Venus’ rotation rate is about 6.5 minutes slower than previous measurements…

12 years ago

A Varying Venusian Vortex

Our neighboring planet Venus really is a world of extremes; searing surface temperatures, crushing air pressure, sulfuric acid clouds...Venus pretty…

13 years ago

Was Venus Once a Waterworld?

[/caption] Ever read Isaac Asimov's 1950's novel "Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus"? Maybe Asimov wasn't so wrong about…

14 years ago

Volcanoes on Venus May Still Be Active

Recent infrared data from an instrument on the Venus Express spacecraft indicate there could be active volcanism on Venus. "We…

14 years ago