
New View of Venus Reveals Previously Hidden Impact Craters

Think of the Moon and most people will imagine a barren world pockmarked with craters. The same is likely true…

3 months ago

Experimental Radar Technique Reveals the Composition of Titan’s Seas

The Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn generated so much data that giving it a definitive value is impossible. It's sufficient to…

7 months ago

Next-Generation Radar Will Map Threatening Asteroids

When the Arecibo Observatory dish in Puerto Rico collapsed in 2020, astronomers lost a powerful radio telescope and a unique…

9 months ago

The Technique for Detecting Meteors Could be Used to Find Dark Matter Particles Entering the Atmosphere

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel method to detect dark matter, based on existing meteor-detecting…

2 years ago

Not Just Sitting Ducks. Maybe Satellites Could Dodge Almost all Space Junk

Kessler syndrome is becoming more and more of a potential hazard as more and more companies vie to place more…

3 years ago

Terrify yourself with LeoLabs’ visualization of satellites and space debris around Earth

Founded in 2016, Menlo Park, California-based LeoLabs, is a mind-blowing company. They have built, and continue to expand, a network…

4 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 504: Radar, Lidar, and Sonar

To really study something, you want to reach out and touch it. But what can you do if you're separated…

6 years ago

2014 JO25 Flies By Earth — See It Tonight

A relatively large potentially hazardous asteroid passed near Earth earlier today. Now, it's visible in small telescopes tonight.

8 years ago

Video of Green Comet 45P Puts You Close To The Action

Watch Comet 45P pirouette end over end in this detailed radar view of the comet's nucleus.

8 years ago

Meet Asteroid 2017 BQ6 — A Giant, Spinning Brick

New asteroid 2017 BQ6 was all elbows when it flew by Earth just a few days ago. Images reveal it…

8 years ago