pluto flyby

Will Pluto finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We previously examined how Neptune’s largest moon, Triton, could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? With its nitrogen geysers…

2 years ago

A Bunch of New Names for Pluto’s Surface Features Were Just Approved

Pluto is getting some new names. In the past, prior to the New Horizons mission, there wasn't much to name.…

5 years ago

A Farewell to Plutoshine

Sometimes, its not the eye candy aspect of the image, but what it represents. A recent image of Pluto's large…

8 years ago

Scientists Assemble Fresh Global Map of Pluto Comprising Sharpest Flyby Images

The science team leading NASA’s New Horizons mission that unveiled the true nature of Pluto’s long hidden looks during the…

8 years ago

“X” Marks the Spot of Convective Churning on Hot Pluto

“X” marks the spot that’s illustrative of “convective churning” resulting from subsurface planetary heating, as seen in a fascinating new…

9 years ago

Possible Ice Volcanoes Discovered on Pluto

Ice Volcanoes on Pluto? The informally named feature Wright Mons, located south of Sputnik Planum on Pluto, is an unusual…

9 years ago

NASA’s New Horizons Makes Major Discoveries: Young Ice Mountains on Pluto and Crispy Young Chasms on Charon

New close-up images of a region near Pluto’s equator reveal a giant surprise -- a range of youthful mountains rising…

9 years ago

Big Discovery from NASA’s New Horizons; Pluto is Biggest Kuiper Belt Body

Plutophiles everywhere rejoice. On the eve of history’s first ever up close flyby of mysterious Pluto on Tuesday morning July…

9 years ago

Last, Best Look at Pluto’s Far Side and Four Perplexing Spots: 2 Days Out from Flyby

New Horizons' last look at Pluto's Charon-facing hemisphere reveals the highest resolution view of four intriguing darks spots for decades…

9 years ago

Pluto’s ‘Heart’ Revealed as New Horizons Probe Starts Flyby Campaign: 5 Days Out

The Huge Heart of Pluto Pluto’s “Heart” is seen in this new image from New Horizons’ Long Range Reconnaissance Imager…

9 years ago