Planetary protection

Planetary Protection: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has recently investigated a plethora of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets,…

9 months ago

We Need to Consider Conservation Efforts on Mars

Astrobiology is the field of science that studies the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the Universe. In…

9 months ago

We’re Constantly Battling Invasive Species Here on Earth. What Does That Teach us About Infecting Other Worlds With Earth Life?

When Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins returned from the Moon in the summer of 1969, they spent three…

3 years ago

How to Prevent our Spacecraft From Contaminating Mars

A new report by the National Academies of Sciences highlights the importance of planetary protection for future missions destined for…

3 years ago

If There’s Subsurface Water Across Mars, Where is it Safe to Land to Avoid Contamination?

If Mars is a potential home for alien life, can we land safely anywhere on the surface without introducing contamination…

4 years ago

Earth Life Probably Can’t Spread to Mars Today

New research says life from Earth isn't likely to ever survive on Mars, which is good news as far as…

5 years ago

A NASA Panel Says We Don’t Need to be so Careful About Infecting Other Worlds

It's time to update the rules. That's the conclusion of a panel that examined NASA's rules for planetary protection. It…

5 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 514: Planetary Protection Protocols

As we send rovers and landers to other worlds, we have to think about the tiny microbial astronauts we're sending…

6 years ago

Seeding the Milky Way with Life Using Genesis Missions

Claudius Gros, the founder of Project Genesis, makes the case that when it comes to extrasolar planets, the rules of…

6 years ago

How Do You Stop A Spacecraft Microbe From Attacking Mars?

When you have a Mars mission that is designed to search for life or life-friendly environments, it would be several…

11 years ago