MSL Curiosity

Life Probably Played No Role in Mars’ Organic Matter

The Martian surface shows ample evidence of its warm, watery past. Deltas, ancient lakebeds, and dry river channels are plentiful.…

8 months ago

New Answers for Mars’ Methane Mystery

Planetary scientists perk up whenever methane is mentioned. Methane is produced by living things on Earth, so it's considered to…

9 months ago

Curiosity has Reached an Ancient Debris Channel That Could Have Been Formed by Water

Like a pilgrim seeking wisdom, NASA's MSL Curiosity has been working its way up Mt. Sharp, the dominant central feature…

10 months ago

Mars’ Gale Crater was Filled with Water for Much Longer Than Anyone Thought

Even with all we've learned about Mars in recent years, it doesn't stack up against all we still don't know…

11 months ago

Curiosity Finds Another Metal Meteorite on Mars

MSL Curiosity is going about its business exploring Mars. The high-tech rover is currently exploring the sulphate-bearing unit on Mt.…

2 years ago

There are Natural Features on Mars That Could Serve as Radiation Shelters

Mars is bombarded with radiation. Without a protective magnetic shield and a thick atmosphere like Earth's, radiation from space has…

3 years ago

Curiosity Finds Organic Molecules That Could Have Been Produced by Life on Mars

What do coal, crude oil, and truffles have in common? Go ahead. We'll wait. The answer is thiophenes, a molecule…

5 years ago

Molecular Oxygen on Mars is Behaving Unusually Through the Seasons. A Sign of Life?

An atmospheric drama has been playing out on Mars lately. Up until now, the main actor has been methane, and…

5 years ago

There’s the Curiosity Rover, On the Move, Seen from Space

If the Curiosity rover was paranoid, would it feel like it was being watched? Well, it is being watched, by…

5 years ago

Pictures from Curiosity Show the Bottom of an Ancient Lake on Mars, the Perfect Place to Search for Evidence of Past Life

It's all about the detail. In a way, Mars looks like a dusty, dead, dry, boring planet. But science says…

6 years ago