
Basketball-Sized Meteorites Strike the Surface of Mars Every Day

NASA's InSight Mars Lander faced some challenges during its time on the red planet's surface. Its mole instrument struggled to…

3 weeks ago

Marsquakes Can Help Us Find Water on the Red Planet

Earth is a seismically active planet, and scientists have figured out how to use seismic waves from Earthquakes to probe…

1 month ago

Mars InSight Has One Last Job: Getting Swallowed by Dust on the Red Planet

Normally you don't want dust to get into your spacecraft. That was certainly true for the InSight mission to Mars,…

2 months ago

Mars Still Has Liquid Rock Near its Core

Why doesn’t Mars have a magnetic field? If it did, the planet would be protected from cosmic radiation and charged…

9 months ago

“The Big One”: The Most Powerful Marsquake Ever Detected

A new paper in the Geophysical Research Letters explains how the largest recorded seismic event on Mars provided evidence for…

9 months ago

Mars Has a Thick Crust. Its Internal Heat Mainly Comes from Radioactivity

How thick is the crust of Mars? This question is what a recent study published in Geophysical Research Letters attempted…

1 year ago

Seismic Waves Help Map the Core of Mars for the First Time

More than a hundred years after geologists first observed how seismic waves traveled through Earth, they've achieved another seismic first.…

1 year ago

This Will Probably Be InSight’s Last Picture Before it Runs Out of Power Forever

The InSight lander might have transmitted its last picture from the surface of Mars. It looks like the lander is…

2 years ago

Mars is Mostly Dead. There's Still Magma Inside, so it's Slightly Alive

NASA's InSight lander has detected many marsquakes coming from the same region, which could mean that the Red Planet still…

2 years ago

InSight Felt the Ground Shake From a Meteorite Impact on Mars

The Mars InSight lander might be nearing the end of its life on the Red Planet, but its scientific data…

2 years ago