mars curiosity

These Rocks Formed in an Ancient Lake on Mars

We already know that water has existed on the surface of Mars but for how long? Curiosity has been searching…

9 months ago

Pictures: Punishing Mars Plateau For Curiosity Rover And Damaged Wheels

This picture alone illustrates the challenge NASA has as it slowly moves the Curiosity rover across Mars to its mountainous…

11 years ago

Where Will ExoMars Land? Proposals Invited For Future Mars Rover And Lander

Scientists, start your engines. The next few weeks will see a flurry of proposals come for the European Space Agency's…

11 years ago

Go Mars-Digging Beside Curiosity In New Interactive Panorama

Here's a nice distraction to start off the day: pretend you're playing in the sandbox of Mars alongside Curiosity. This…

11 years ago

How Much Science Data Has The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Sent To Earth?

Imagine being able to watch three months' worth of high-definition space video sequentially -- maybe real-time coverage on the International…

11 years ago

How Mars Failures Helped the Curiosity Rover Land

Mars is a graveyard; a spot where many a spacecraft slammed into the surface or perhaps, burned up in the…

12 years ago

Memorable Space Tweeps of 2012

To space Tweeps, Twitter is so much more than just a news service. It's a community, a spot where everyone…

12 years ago