kuiper belt objects

Evidence Continues To Mount For Ninth Planet

A new study produced by researchers at Caltech links the existence of Planet 9 to the axial tilt of our…

8 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – May 20, 2016: Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: Mike Brown is the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy at CalTech.…

8 years ago

Kuiper Belt Objects Point The Way To Planet 9

A new study from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory has indicated that the extreme eccentricity of distant KBOs could point…

8 years ago

The (Possible) Dwarf Planet 2007 OR10

Within the Kuiper Belt lies the possible dwarf planet 2007 OR10, one of many objects that has forced astronomers to…

9 years ago

What Did We Learn About Pluto?

We've only had blurry images of Pluto up until New Horizons. So what did we learn when we got up…

9 years ago

NASA and New Horizons team pick post-Pluto target … and serve up an awesome video

NASA and the science team behind the New Horizons mission to Pluto and beyond have settled on the popular choice…

9 years ago

The Dwarf Planet (and Plutoid) Makemake

In 2003, astronomer Mike Brown and his team from Caltech began a discovery process which would change the way we…

9 years ago

Eris’ Moon Dysnomia

Ask a person what Dysnomia refers to, and they might venture that it's a medical condition. In truth, they would…

9 years ago

New Horizons Mission to Pluto

Humans have been sending spacecraft to other planets, as well as asteroid and comets, for decades. But rarely have any…

9 years ago

Some Planet-like Kuiper Belt Objects Don’t Play “Nice”

The Kuiper belt — the region beyond the orbit of Neptune inhabited by a number of small bodies of rock…

11 years ago