
Spacecraft and Ground Telescopes Work Together to Give us Stunning New Pictures of Jupiter

It's difficult to imagine the magnitude of storms on Jupiter. The gas giant's most visible atmospheric feature, the Great Red…

4 years ago

Astronomers Find a Planet With Three Times the Mass of Jupiter

Jupiter is the Boss. Well, in terms of planets in our Solar System it is. It's played a huge role…

4 years ago

Another Beautiful Image of Jupiter from Juno During a Flyby. Great Work by Gerald Eichstadt and Sean Doran

Confucius said, "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."   When it comes to Jupiter, Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran…

4 years ago

Clouds On Jupiter Rising Up Above the Surrounding Atmosphere

Though it looks like it to us, Jupiter's clouds do no form a flat surface. Some of its clouds rise…

5 years ago

Astronomers Find 20 – Yes 20 – New Moons for Saturn

A team of astronomers led by Scott Sheppard has discovered 20 new moons around Saturn, putting it ahead of Jupiter!

5 years ago

Juno is Afraid to Death of Jupiter’s Shadow. So it Fired its Thruster for Over 10 Hours to Avoid It.

In a death-defying maneuver for the spacecraft, NASA's Juno has completed an unprecedented and unplanned engine burn. The purpose? To…

5 years ago

Yes, This is Actually the Shadow of Io Passing Across the Surface of Jupiter.

The JunoCam onboard NASA's Juno spacecraft continues to provide we Earthbound humans with a steady stream of stunning images of…

5 years ago

AI Could Help the Europa Clipper Mission Make New Discoveries!

A team of NASA scientists recently developed a series of machine learning algorithms that could help the Europa Clipper find…

5 years ago

The Latest Insanely Beautiful Image of Jupiter Captured by Juno

There's something about Jupiter that mesmerizes those who gaze at it. It's intricate, dazzling clouds are a visual representation of…

5 years ago

Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Vanishing as We Near Opposition 2019?

Jupiter observation season is neigh, and with it, the largest planet in our solar system is as mysterious as ever.

5 years ago