interstellar space

Voyager 1 Has Another Problem With its Computer System

For more than 46 years, the Voyager 1 probe has been traveling through space. On August 25th, 2012, it became…

8 months ago

NASA Restores a Spacecraft by Turning it Off and Then On Again

When faced with a potentially mission-ending problem with NASA’s 15-year-old Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, engineers performed a time-honored procedure…

1 year ago

The Universe is Brighter Than we Thought

At the edge of the Solar System, New Horizons has taken new light measurements of the cosmos to get a…

2 years ago

NASA is now Planning a Mission to go 1,000 AU From the Sun, Deep Into Interstellar Space

A different perspective can do wonders.  Perceiving things from a different angle can both metaphorically and literally allow people to…

3 years ago

New Horizons is Now 50 Astronomical Units Away From the Sun

As the New Horizons spacecraft hurtles out towards interstellar space, it has now reached an historical milestone. On April 17,…

3 years ago

Oumuamua Isn’t an Alien Probe, Because Aliens can Learn Everything They Need About us With Telescopes

A new study offers a new take on why 'Oumuamua could not have been an alien probe: a lack of…

3 years ago

Glycine Can Form In Interstellar Clouds

Author's note: This article was written in collaboration with Vincent Kofman, a co-author of the paper it discusses and Post…

4 years ago

There Should Be More Iron In Space. Why Can’t We See It?

Iron is one of the most abundant elements in the Universe, along with lighter elements like hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon.…

5 years ago

How Big Would a Generation Ship Need to be to Keep a Crew of 500 Alive for the Journey to Another Star?

In their latest in a series of studies concerning generation ships, the team addresses how large the ship would need…

5 years ago

Finally! Voyager 2 is Now in Interstellar Space

The Voyager 2 recently crossed the outer boundary of the heliosphere, where it joins the Voyager 1 spacecraft in interstellar…

6 years ago