impact crater

Impact Craters: Why study them and can they help us find life elsewhere?

When we look at the Moon, either through a pair of binoculars, a telescope, or past footage from the Apollo…

11 months ago

NASA Satellite Spots the Crash Site for Luna 25

Poor Russia. They can't seem to get much right. Their most recent failure is their Luna 25 spacecraft. It was…

1 year ago

The Meteor Impact that Wiped Out the Dinosaurs Created a Vast Underground Hydrothermal System

The Chicxulub impact event was an enormous catastrophe that left a huge imprint on the Earth's surface. Not only did…

5 years ago

Almost 800,000 Years Ago, an Enormous Meteorite Struck Earth. Now We Know Where.

20% of the surface of Earth's Eastern Hemisphere is littered with a certain kind of rock. Black, glossy blobs called…

5 years ago

Almost 13,000 Years Ago, a Comet Impact Set Everything on Fire

A new discovery in South America has added further weight to the Young Dryas Impact theory, which states that a…

6 years ago

Huge Asteroid Impact Crater Found Just Under the Ice in Greenland

An international team of scientists have discovered what lay hidden under Arctic ice for thousands or even hundreds of thousands…

6 years ago

Reading The Signs Of A Martian Mega-Flood

The latest image captured by the Mars Express has revealed evidence of a massive flood which took place in the…

8 years ago

What Could Explain the Mysterious Ring in Antarctica?

Ever since its discovery was announced earlier this year, the 3 km-wide ring structure discovered on the of Antarctica has…

10 years ago

German Impact Crater Could Have Hosted Early Life On Earth

Could life thrive in the devastated rock left behind after a meteorite impact? A new study hints that possibly, that…

11 years ago

This Town Celebrates Every New Year with a Falling Meteor

Video from YouTube User Pam Bergmann The popular jazz tune “Stars Fell on Alabama” was inspired in part by the…

11 years ago