Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

A Black Hole Burps out Material, Years After Feasting on a Star

When observing a black hole that devoured a star three years earlier, an international team of astronomers noticed it "burping"…

2 years ago

A new Simulation of the Universe Contains 60 Trillion Particles, the Most Ever

Using new simulation suite, a team of scientists were able to conduct the largest set of cosmological simulations ever!

3 years ago

A New Plan to Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts at Earth and Across the Solar System

Professor Avi Loeb has announced a new project that will search for 'Oumuamua-like objects in our Solar System, which could…

3 years ago

A Review of “Extraterrestrial” by Prof. Avi Loeb

Professor Avi Loeb's new book, Extraterrestrial, tells the tale of how he 'Oumuamua may be humanity's first interstellar messenger.

4 years ago

The Sun Might Have Once Had a Binary Companion Star

A new study from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has bolstered the case for our Sun having a long-lost…

4 years ago

Some Astronomers Think Betelgeuse Dimmed Because it “Sneezed”. And it Might be Getting Ready to do it Again

An international team of researchers has proposed a new explanation for why Betelgeuse has been mysteriously dimming, just as it…

4 years ago

How Researchers Produce Sharp Images of a Black Hole

A new study by members of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) has shown how new images of black…

4 years ago

Astronomers Image the Atmosphere of a Red Dwarf Planet for the First Time. Spoiler Alert, it’s a Terrible Place to Live

Using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, a team of astronomers was able to study the surface of an exoplanet…

5 years ago

A New Planetary System Has Been Found with Three Super Earths

A team of astronomers recently discovered a system of three exoplanets that are just 100 light years from Earth, making…

6 years ago

The Solar System Probably has Thousands of Captured Interstellar Asteroids

According to a new study by a team of Harvard researchers, there could be thousands of interstellar asteroids like ‘Oumuamua…

7 years ago