Oort Cloud

A Star Passed Through the Oort Cloud Less Than 500,000 Years Ago. It Wasn’t the Only One.

As stars in the Milky Way move through space, some of them have an unexpected effect on the Solar System.…

5 months ago

The Oort Cloud Could Have More Rock Than Previously Believed

The Oort Cloud is a collection of icy objects in the furthest reaches of the Solar System. It contains the…

2 years ago

Interstellar Objects Might Outnumber Solar System Objects in the Oort Cloud

A study of the interstellar bodie 2I/Borisov aruges that the Oort cloud may consist more of alien objects than solar…

3 years ago

The Sun Might Have Once Had a Binary Companion Star

A new study from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics has bolstered the case for our Sun having a long-lost…

4 years ago

Oort Clouds Around Other Stars Should be Visible in the Cosmic Microwave Background

A new study by a team from the University of Pennsylvania suggests using maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)…

6 years ago