Gravitational Lensing

This Distorted Circle is Actually a Galaxy That Looked Very Similar to the Milky Way, Shortly After the Big Bang

Using ALMA, a European team of astronomers was able to observe a galaxy as it looked 12 billion years ago…

4 years ago

Art Installation that Demonstrates How Dark Matter Bends Light with Gravity

A new art installation at the Science Gallery Dublin, called "Dark Distortions," helps viewers to see the influence dark matter…

4 years ago

Hundreds of New Gravitational Lenses Discovered to Help Study the Distant Universe

General relativity tells us that everything, even light, is affected by the mass of an object. When a beam of…

4 years ago

How Do You Weigh The Universe?

If we can find the weight of everything in the universe, we can better understand how the universe came to…

4 years ago

WFIRST Will Use Relativity to Find More Exoplanets!

When it deploys in 2025, NASA's WFIRST mission will rely on the gravitational microlensing technique to locate exoplanets near the…

4 years ago

Hubble Finds Teeny Tiny Clumps of Dark Matter

Using data from Hubble and the gravitational lensing technique, a team of astronomers have found definitive evidence that Dark Matter…

4 years ago

Planetary Mass Objects Discovered in Other Galaxies

A team of researchers at the University of Oklahoma have discovered "planetary mass bodies" outside of the Milky Way. They…

4 years ago

Advanced Civilizations Could be Communicating with Neutrino Beams. Transmitted by Clouds of Satellites Around Neutron Stars or Black Holes

In the ongoing search for intelligent life, a new study recommends that we look for signs of an advanced civilization…

5 years ago

Now We Know That Dark Matter Isn’t Primordial Black Holes

A new study by an international team of scientists has tested Hawking's theory of dark matter, and ruled out that…

5 years ago

Quasars with a Double-Image Gravitational Lens Could Help Finally Figure out how Fast the Universe is Expanding

How fast is the Universe expanding? That's a question that astronomers haven't been able to answer accurately. They have a…

5 years ago