Astronomy Cast Ep. 462: Modeling the Weather

Have you noticed that weather forecasting has gotten much better in the last few years? Thanks to weather satellites, weather…

7 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 461: Measuring the Weather with Satellites

What's the weather doing? Is it going to rain today? How much? What about temperatures? We depend on modern weather…

7 years ago

New Age in Weather Forecasting Begins with Spectacular 1st Images from NASA/NOAA GOES-16 Observatory

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - A new age has begun in the nations weather forecasting capabilities with the release today…

8 years ago

Revolutionary NASA/NOAA GOES-R Geostationary Weather Satellite Awesome Night Launch

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - GOES-R, the first in a new series of revolutionary NASA/NOAA geostationary weather satellites blasted off…

8 years ago

Sunset Saturday Blastoff of GOES-R Set to Deliver Quantum Leap in Weather Forecasting on Nov. 19 – Watch Live

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - From both the technical and weather standpoint, the outlook is outstanding for Saturdays sunset blastoff…

8 years ago

Monster Blizzard of 2016 Strikes US East Coast, Tracked by NASA and NOAA Satellites

NEW JERSEY- The monstrous ‘Blizzard of 2016’ predicted by weather forecasters for days has struck a wide swath of the…

9 years ago

Deadly Monster Winter Storm Batters US Eastern Seaboard – More Snow and Ice on the Way!

This visible image of the winter storm over the U.S. south and East Coast was taken by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite…

11 years ago

Satellite Image of the “Polar Vortex” Over the US

If you live in the north and eastern part of the US, you’re probably experiencing some frigid weather. You’re probably…

11 years ago

NASA Satellite Snaps Winter Storm “Nemo”

Captured by NASA's GOES-13 weather satellite on Friday, Feb. 8, this image shows the convergence of two massive low-pressure systems that…

12 years ago

The Van Allen Belts and the Great Electron Escape

[/caption] During the 1950s and just before the great "Space Race" began, scientists like Kristian Birkeland, Carl Stormer, and Nicholas…

13 years ago