
Remembering the Gutsy and Hilarious Apollo Astronaut Jim McDivitt

Former NASA astronaut Jim McDivitt, who commanded the important Gemini IV and Apollo 9 missions – both crucial for NASA's…

2 years ago

The Gemini Constellation

Located in the northern hemisphere, there's the constellation Gemini (aka. The Twins) one of the 48 compiled by Ptolemy and…

3 years ago

What Does it Take to Be an Astronaut?

What does it take to have the "Right Stuff" to become an Astronaut? Are you an overachiever? Are you working…

9 years ago

Don’t Miss the Geminids this Weekend, Best Meteor Shower of the Year

Wouldn't it be nice if a meteor shower peaked on a weekend instead of 3 a.m. Monday morning? Maybe even showed good…

10 years ago

Survival: Terrifying Moments in Space Flight

Space is a dangerous and sometimes fatal business, but happily there were moments where a situation happened and the astronauts…

11 years ago

New NASA Gallery of Restored 1960s Project Gemini Photos

[/caption] NASA has published a new online gallery of beautifully restored photographs from the historic Project Gemini of the 1960s,…

13 years ago

Gemini’s New Filters Reveal the Beauty of Star Birth

[/caption] About 2,000 light-years away, in the constellation of Cygnus (the Swan), lies Sharpless 2-106 (after Stewart Sharpless who put…

14 years ago

Mysterious Alien Dust Hints at Violent Planet Formation

An artist's rendition of colliding planets, the most likely explanation for the warm dust observed around HD 131488. Image credit:…

15 years ago