gas giants

This Hot Jupiter Probably Formed Close to Its Star

The current exoplanet census contains 5,832 confirmed candidates, with more than 7,500 still awaiting confirmation. Of those that have been…

2 weeks ago

Astronomers Find a Strange Lopsided Planet

I’ve often stated that planets come in a wide range of sizes but rarely do I find myself stating they…

5 months ago

A New Model Explains How Gas and Ice Giant Planets Can Form Rapidly

The most widely recognized explanation for planet formation is the accretion theory. It states that small particles in a protoplanetary…

7 months ago

Webb Joins the Hunt for Protoplanets

We can't understand what we can't clearly see. That fact plagues scientists who study how planets form. Planet formation happens…

11 months ago

Improving a 1960s Plan to Explore the Giant Planets

In the 1960s, NASA engineers developed a series of small lifting-body aircraft that could be dropped into the atmosphere of…

11 months ago

Whether Saturn's Rings are Young or Old, its Moons are as Ancient as the Planet Itself

A team of researchers has obtained new estimates on the age of Saturn's irregular satellites, which range from 4.1 and…

1 year ago

The Rings of Uranus Shine Bright in Stunning New JWST Image

The James Webb Space Telescope has taken a stunning new image of the ice giant world Uranus. But what stands…

2 years ago

It's Time For Your Annual Weather Update for the Outer Solar System

A couple times a year, the Hubble Space Telescope turns its powerful gaze on the giant planets in the outer…

2 years ago

TESS Shows That Even Small Stars Can Host Giant Planets

Can low-mass stars play host to giant, Jupiter-sized planets? Theories of planet formation suggest that it's highly unlikely. But a…

2 years ago

Jupiter's Giant Moons Prevent it From Having Rings Like Saturn

A recent study examined why Jupiter doesn't have highly-visible (and beautiful) rings like Saturn, and puts the blame on its…

3 years ago