fusion reaction

Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry us Across the Solar System and Into Interstellar Space

In a recent paper, Leiden Professor Florian Neukart describes a Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drive (MFPD) that could revolutionize space exploration.

10 months ago

A Hybrid Fission/Fusion Reactor Could be the Best way to get Through the ice on Europa

A new proposal for a hybrid nuclear reactor could power missions to Europa, and was selected by NASA for Phase…

2 years ago

Neutrinos prove the Sun is doing a second kind of fusion in its core

Astronomers have detected a fusion cycle in our Sun that powers massive stars and creates the elements central to life…

4 years ago

Chinese Fusion Test Reportedly Reaches New Milestone

Researchers at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak facility in Hefei, China, claim that they have reached a major milestone in…

8 years ago