Education and Public Outreach

Dr. Tracy Becker Honored with 2023 Carl Sagan Medal for Science Communication

This year’s prestigious Carl Sagan Medal, also known as the “Sagan Medal” and named after the late astronomer, Dr. Carl…

11 months ago

Touch Galaxies and Listen to Black Holes. Now You Can Explore the Universe With Multiple Senses

Astronomy is a visual science, gathering data with electromagnetic radiation with different detectors, including our eyes. Now experts have converted…

1 year ago

Bringing the Gift of Hope to Ukrainian Kids through Astronomy

Through education, virtual tours, and outreach programs, Earthlings Hub is inspiring Ukrainians orphans and refugees to reach for the stars!

1 year ago

NASA’s Europa Clipper Taking “Message in a Bottle” to Jupiter

NASA believes in getting the public excited about space, and they’re carrying on this tradition by recently announcing that space…

1 year ago

“To Boldy Go”: The Nichelle Nichols Foundation Continues Actress’ Legacy of Inspiration

In honor of her achievements, the Nichelle Nichols Foundation launched with the aim of carrying on her legacy and inspiring…

2 years ago

Scroll Through the Universe with This Cool Interactive Map

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) continues to pad its space community résumé with their interactive map, “The map of the observable…

2 years ago

Join the 32-Hour Hangout-A-Thon for Space Education and Outreach

In the latest budget proposal for NASA, it appears as though one of NASA’s jewels -- education and pubic outreach…

11 years ago

Proposed Changes to NASA’s Education and Outreach – A View from the Outside

The first Moon landing inspired a whole generation of scientists and engineers. And NASA, to its great credit, didn't rest…

11 years ago

World Space Week ( Oct 4th – 10th ) — Join the Fun!

[/caption] What is World Space Week? Founded in 1981, World Space Week Association is one of the world's oldest space…

13 years ago

Student Alert: GRAIL Naming Contest – Essay Deadline November 11

[/caption] Student Alert ! - Here’s your once in a lifetime chance to name Two NASA robots speeding at this…

13 years ago