cosmic expansion

Webb Continues to Confirm That Universe is Behaving Strangely

Over a century ago, astronomers Edwin Hubble and Georges Lemaitre independently discovered that the Universe was expanding. Since then, scientists…

4 months ago

Euclid Recovers From a Navigation Problem and Finds its Guide Stars Again

After a bit of a hiccup with its navigation system, Euclid has found its navigation stars and is pointed the…

10 months ago

ESA's Euclid Mission is Off to Explore the Dark Universe

The Euclid space telescope, the ESA's next-generation astrophysics mission, was successfully launched to space!

1 year ago

Two New Space Telescopes Will Bring Dark Energy Into Focus

The ESA's Euclid and NASA's Nancy Grace Roman space telescope will work together to resolve the mystery of cosmic expansion!

1 year ago

Are Black Holes the Source of Dark Energy?

In a series of papers, an international team claims they've found the first observational evidence that supermassive black holes are…

1 year ago

A Particle Physics Experiment Might Have Directly Observed Dark Energy

In a new study, a team of researchers proposed that Dark Matter detectors could also search for the elusive force…

3 years ago

NASA Continues to Try and Rescue Failing Hubble

The search for Hubble's error continues, and could involve some complex and risky operations really soon!

3 years ago

A Dark Matter map of our Local Cosmic Neighborhood

A new simulation by a team of astrophysicists has resulted in the most detailed 3D map of the cosmic web,…

3 years ago

Astronomers Improve Their Distance Scale for the Universe. Unfortunately, it Doesn't Resolve the Crisis in Cosmology

Astronomers have made the cosmic distant ladder more accurate, but that has only made the mystery of cosmic expansion even…

4 years ago

Gravitational lenses could be the key to measuring the expansion rate of the Universe

Nailing down cosmic expansion could depend on distant quasars, and the time it takes their light to reach us when…

4 years ago