
Mars 2020 Will be The Third Time That NASA Has Tried to Send a Microphone to Mars

The Mars 2020 rover, which will launch this summer, will be the third NASA mission to bring a microphone to…

4 years ago

Detection of Mineral on Mars Bolsters Argument that Mars was Once Habitable

The discovery of boron on Mars, a key ingredient in the emergence of organic molecules, has bolstered the case for…

7 years ago

Mars Curiosity Rolls Up to Potential New Meteorite

NASA's Curiosity Rover is turning into an able meteorite hunter with a shiny new find just this past week.

8 years ago

Martian Mineral Points Toward Past Habitability

New samples obtained by the Curiosity rover have shed more light on environmental changes over the past few billion years,…

8 years ago

Curiosity Discovers Mars Rock Like None Before, Sets Drill Campaign

On the eve of the 3rd anniversary since her nail biting touchdown inside Gale Crater, NASA’s car sized Curiosity Mars…

9 years ago

Sparks Fly on Mars as Curiosity Laser Blasts Red Planet Rock – Photos/Video

Curiosity has zapped hundreds of Red Planet rocks with her powerful laser blaster during her lifetime and has now caught…

10 years ago

Rock On! Curiosity Spots a Heavy Metal Meteorite

Talk about heavy metal! This shiny, lumpy rock spotted by NASA's Curiosity rover is likely made mostly of iron --…

10 years ago

Zot! Curiosity Punches Laser Hole No. 100,000 On Mars

The reports are in: it appears that Earth has the upper hand in firing laser shots on Mars. More seriously,…

11 years ago

Curiosity’s Laser Leaves Its Mark

Before-and-after images from Curiosity's ChemCam  micro-imager show holes left by its million-watt laser (NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/LPGN/CNRS) PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW! Curiosity's head-mounted ChemCam did a…

12 years ago

Take a Look Through Curiosity’s ChemCam

This (adjusted) image was taken by ChemCam's Remote Micro-Imager on Sol 15 (NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL) While Curiosity has been getting a good…

12 years ago