Ancient Solar Systems Found Around Dead Stars

Asteroids Around Dead Stars. Credit: NASA/JPL

Were there once habitable planets long ago around stars that are now dead? A team of astronomers have found evidence that between 1-3 percent of white dwarf stars are orbited by rocky planets and asteroids, suggesting these objects once hosted solar systems similar to our own. White dwarf stars are the compact, hot remnants left behind when stars like our Sun reach the end of their lives. Using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers have determined that asteroids are found in orbit around a large number of white dwarfs, perhaps as many as 5 million in our own Milky Way Galaxy.

The atmospheres of these white dwarf stars should consist entirely of hydrogen and helium but are sometimes found to be contaminated with heavier elements like calcium and magnesium. The new observations suggest that these Earth-sized stars are often polluted by a gradual rain of closely orbiting dust that emits infrared radiation picked up by Spitzer.

Presenting his team’s findings at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science conference at the University of Hertfordshire, Dr. Jay Farihi of the University of Leicester said that the data from Spitzer suggest that at least 1 in 100 of white dwarf stars are contaminated in this way and that the dust originates from rocky bodies like asteroids (also known as minor planets). In our Solar System, minor planets are the left over building blocks of the rocky terrestrial planets like the Earth.

“In the quest for Earth-like planets, we have now identified numerous systems which are excellent candidates to harbour them,” said Farihi. “Where they persist at white dwarfs, any terrestrial planets will likely not be habitable, but may have been sites where life developed during a previous epoch. “

The new findings indicate the dust is completely contained within the Roche limit of the star — close enough that any object larger than a few kilometers would be ripped apart by gravitational tides (the same phenomenon which led to the creation of Saturn’s rings). This backs up the team’s hypothesis that the dust disks around white dwarfs are produced by tidally disrupted minor planets. In order to pass this close to the white dwarf, an asteroid must be perturbed from its regular orbit further out – and this can occur during a close encounter with as yet unseen planets.

Because white dwarfs descend from main sequence stars like the Sun, the team’s work implies that at least 1% to 3% of main sequence stars have terrestrial planets around them.

Emissions from the White Dwarf System GD 16. Credit: NASA, JPL -Caltech, University of Leicester
Emissions from the White Dwarf System GD 16. Credit: NASA, JPL -Caltech, University of Leicester

Perhaps the most exciting and important aspect of this research is that the composition of these crushed asteroids can be measured using the heavy elements seen in the white dwarf.

Farihi sees this as a crucial step forward. “With high quality optical and ultraviolet observations (e.g. the Hubble Space Telescope), we should be able to measure up to two dozen different elements in debris-polluted white dwarfs. We can then address the question, “Are the rocky extrasolar planets we find similar to the terrestrial planets of our Solar System?”

Source: RAS

UK, US Astronomers: That’s One Cool Star

An international team, led by astronomers at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, has discovered one of the coolest sub-stellar bodies ever found outside our own solar system.

The new object — dubbed Wolf 940B — orbits the red dwarf star Wolf 940, 40 light years from Earth. It’s thought to have formed like a star, but has ended up looking more like Jupiter. It is roughly the same size, despite being between 20 and 30 times as heavy, and when the infrared spectral “fingerprints” of the two objects are compared, their resemblance is striking, say Wolf 940B’s discoverers.

The Wide Field Camera (long black tube) on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

Wolf 940B was initially discovered as part of a major infrared sky survey – the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) which is being carried out using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The telescope’s wide field camera is the long black tube in the image at left.

The object was found as part of a wider effort to find the coolest and least luminous bodies in our local Galactic neighborhood, but it was then found to be a companion to the nearby red dwarf Wolf 940 through its common motion across the sky. The data used to confirm the discovery were obtained using telescopes in Chile, the Canary Islands and Hawaii.

Its temperature was then confirmed using data from the Gemini-North telescope on Mauna Kea. The findings are being reported at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (NAM 2009) at the University of Hertfordshire, and will soon be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The new object orbits its star at about 440 times the distance at which the Earth orbits the sun. At such a wide distance, it takes about 18,000 years to complete a single orbit.

Too small to be stars, so-called “brown dwarfs” have masses lower than stars but larger than gas giant planets like Jupiter. Due to their low temperatures, these objects are very faint in visible light, and are detected by their glow at infrared wavelengths.

“Although it has a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius [572 degrees F], which is almost hot enough to melt lead, temperature is relative when you study this sort of thing, and this object is very cool by stellar standards,” said Ben Burningham, of the University of Hertfordshire. “In fact, this is the first time we’ve been able to study an object as cool as this in such detail. The fact that it is orbiting a star makes it extra special.”

Modeling the atmospheres of cool brown dwarfs is a complex task, but it is key to understanding planets that orbit other stars. Models of emitted light from such objects, which are dominated by absorption due to water and methane gas, are sensitive to assumptions about their age and chemical make-up.

In most cases, astronomers don’t initially know much about the age and composition of brown dwarfs — and this can make it hard to tell where the models are right, and where they are going wrong.

“What’s so exciting in this case, is that we can use what we know about the primary star to find out about the properties of the brown dwarf, and that makes it an extremely useful find,” Burningham said. “You can think of it as a Rosetta Stone for decrypting what the light from such cool objects is telling us.”

Wolf 940A, the red dwarf star that is Wolf 940B’s namesake, was first catalogued by the pioneering German astronomer Max Wolf 90 years ago.

“Red dwarfs are the most populous stars in the Galaxy, and systems like this may be more common than we know” said David Pinfield, also of the University of Hertfordshire. “As the generation of ongoing large scale surveys continues, we may discover a pack of Wolf-940B-like objects in our solar back yard.”

Source: Joint Astronomy Centre. For more information, visit: 

The UK Infrared Telescope
NAM 2009
Gemini Observatory

Orion’s Belt Sees More Action Than We Knew

Using infrared telescopes, European and American astronomers have peered through the opaque molecular cloud that obscures much of Orion’s stellar nursery from view.

They’ve discovered a rowdy scene there — a crowded stellar nursery, with young stars shooting supersonic hydrogen jets in all directions — and they’re reporting there is much more going on in Orion than previously thought.

The new survey is the most wide-ranging census ever produced of dynamical star formation in and around the well-known Great Nebula of Orion.

In the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope/Spitzer Space Telescope image above, parts of the Orion Molecular cloud are illuminated by nearby stars and glowing an eerie green. The jets punch through the cloud and can be seen as tiny pink-purple arcs, knots and filaments. The golden orange young stars that drive the jets can usually be seen nearby.

Below, a gas jet (seen in red) pops out of a busy region of star formation in Orion. All the red wisps, knots and filaments are in fact associated with jets from young stars, which in this figure are colored orange. The data were acquired with the Wide Field Camera at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. (Story continues beneath image.)


The Orion Molecular Cloud is more than 20 times the angular size of the full moon, spanning from far above the hunter’s head to far below his feet. Most of the action is hidden from view in visible light. Earthbound stargazers can see he brightest stars, like Betelgeuse and Rigel at the shoulder and knee of the constellation, and perhaps the Orion Nebula as a vaguely fuzzy patch around the sword. The nebula, which is really just a blister on the surface of the cloud, gives the only indication of the chaos within.

The team studied the region with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) on Mauna Kea, the Spitzer Space Telescope, which works at even longer “mid-infrared” wavelengths, and the IRAM Millimeter-wave (radio) Telescope in Spain.

The power of the census came from the combination of data from all three facilities, the researchers say. Inspired by the richness of his images from UKIRT, Chris Davis, of Hawaii’s Joint Astronomy Centre, contacted colleagues in Europe and on the United States mainland.

Tom Megeath, an astronomer from the University of Toledo, provided a catalogue of the positions of the very youngest stars – sources revealed only recently by the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Thomas Stanke, a researcher based at the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany, then provided extensive IRAM maps of the molecular gas and dust across the Orion cloud.

Dirk Froebrich, a lecturer at the University of Kent, later used archival images from the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain (data acquired by Stanke some 10 years ago) to measure the speeds and directions of a large number of jets by comparing them with their positions in the new images.

Armed with these data, Davis was able to match the jets up to the young stars that drive them, as well as to density peaks within the cloud – the natal cores from which each star is being created.

“Regions like this are usually referred to as stellar nurseries, but we have shown that this one is not being well run: it is chaotic and seriously overcrowded,” Davis said. “Using UKIRT’s wide field camera, we now know of more than 110 individual jets from this one region of the Milky Way. Each jet is traveling at tens or even hundreds of miles per second; the jets extend across many trillions of miles of interstellar space. Even so, we have been able to pinpoint the young stars that drive most of them.”

Andy Adamson, associate director at the UKIRT, added that the dataset “demonstrates the power of survey telescopes like UKIRT. With on-line access to data from other telescopes around the world, and the ease with which one can communicate with collaborators across the globe, massive projects like the Orion study are very much the future of astronomy.”

Several of the researchers are presenting their discoveries with colleagues at this year’s annual National Astronomy Meeting of the UK (NAM 2009).

Source: Joint Astronomy Centre. For more information, visit

The UK Infrared Telescope
The Spitzer Space Telescope
The IRAM Millimeter-wave Telescope
NAM 2009
Royal Astronomical Society

Reporting From the NorthEast Astronomy Forum

So what’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? Try acres of telescopes and hundreds of amateur astronomers. If you’re not familiar with NEAF then let me introduce you into some of the fun that’s been going on for almost two decades at Rockland College in Suffern, New York.

dsc03103When NEAF first began, it was a small affair sponsored by the Rockland Astronomy Club and held in a cozy corner of the college campus. As each successive year passed, the event expanded and grew more popular – drawing ever larger crowds from further distances and encompassing every aspect of astronomy. Today, some 18 years later, the NorthEast Astronomy Fourm’s speaker, vendor and guest list reads like a virtual “who’s who”… Yet, unlike other social events, a gathering of astronomers is, well… a gathering of astronomers. If you’re not wearing your favorite battered space t-shirt and willing to talk about telescopes, imaging techniques, eyepieces, tripods, supernovae and the latest recipe for calamari in chocolate sauce then you just might be in the wrong place.

dsc03117If you want to know what’s new on the market? Then take a walk around. There’s what seems like endless acres of the latest technology and the best representatives of each company willing to take the time to talk to you about their products. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking or cooking – the point is getting what’s available to the public to be seen, tested, talked about, and drooled on. There are telescopes here that none of us will ever be able to afford – but that’s part of the beauty of NEAF. At least these magnificent instruments are here for us to see, and more than a fair share of equipment we can’t usually find readily available offered at prices that are darn hard to refuse. And if you’re feeling lucky? The vendors who come here are hugely generous and give away thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to the guests in door prizes.

dsc03114But, NEAF is a whole lot more than just a sales floor. Two days prior to the event is the NorthEast Astro-Imaging Conference, where some of the finest minds share their talents and their secrets with all who are willing to listen. During the weekend, guests can enjoy planetarium programs, amateur telescope making workshops, or engage in fine array of guest speakers. Why not step outside and enjoy the sunshine while you’re here, too? Because the courtyard is always filled with a huge array of solar telescopes where you’ll have the opportunity to see our nearest star through every aperture and wavelength you can imagine.

dsc03111Is it all about astronomy? Yeah. It is. The astronomy family. And nothing makes the astronomy family more happy than to see a smiling face. It can be the smiling face of the fellow you’ve seen at every star party and astronomy event for the last 15 years and never did catch his name – or it might be the smiling face of a child who has a plastic bag filled with tiny treaures accumlated through the day. And sometimes the smiling face you see?

Is your own at the end of a day at NEAF.

A Day for Earth, but a Whole Week for Dark Skies


Wednesday is Earth Day, but all week — Monday, April 20 through Saturday, April 26 — is National Dark Sky Week in America, when people are asked to dim the lights to see more stars.

If enough people participate, backyard and professional astronomers might be treated with a week of darker, starrier skies. The bigger idea is to raise awareness about sensible lighting practices, so skies might get a little bit darker all the time. And not just for astronomy buffs. Besides aesthetics, evidence is mounting that light pollution could have far-reaching effects for the environment and even public health.

360-degree panoramic picture of the Milky Way as seen from Death Valley. Credit: Dan Duriscoe, National Park Service.

Jennifer Barlow, founder of the event, said the only way National Dark Sky Week can succeed is if more people participate every year. “No reduction in light pollution can be made unless a significant number of people turn off their lights,” she said.

Besides turning out the lights, the participating groups are encouraging people to attend star parties, visit local observatories, or “dust off the old telescope from the attic,” Barlow said.

Year-round, the International Dark Sky Association encourages people to shield lights, or use fixtures that focus light downward instead of up into the sky. Reducing extraneous light, especially at ball fields, is a major step in the right direction. And certain types of lighting — like low-pressure sodium — are better than others.

Flagstaff, Arizona became the world’s first International Dark-Sky City in 2001, owing to the presence of several important observatories — it’s the home of Lowell Observatory and the U.S. Naval Observatory — along with the dedicated efforts of a handful of astronomers. The city government and the vast majority of businesses have readily complied with responsible lighting codes to protect views of the night sky for residents and astronomers alike. 

The skies are noticeably dark over Flagstaff; the stars are rich at night. The Grand Canyon is even more impressive, especially on the north side. The views after dark are as stunning and magical as those during  the day.

But even those skies aren’t as good as they could be, because light pollution from cities up to 200 miles away — including Las Vegas and Phoenix — is gradually creeping in. Chad Moore, a dark skies advocate who works for the National Park Service in Denver, has spent nearly a decade documenting the skies over 55 of the nation’s parks, which are usually the best places to see stars.

Parts of rare parks — Capitol Reef, Great Basin and Big Bend among them — boast truly dark skies, he said.

Moore pointed out there are reasons besides beauty to rein in light pollution: “In the last 10 years there has been a revolution in our understanding of animal habitat and what animals require,” he said. “There are links between artificial light and cancer in humans. There’s a lot we didn’t know about.”

Second photo caption: 360-degree panoramic picture of the Milky Way as seen from Death Valley. Credit: Dan Duriscoe, National Park Service.

For more information:

National Dark Sky Week 
International Dark-Sky Association
IYA Dark Skies Awareness
Starlight Initiative
World Night in Defense of Starlight
American Astronomical Society
Astronomical League

The STS-400 Shuttle Rescue Mission Scenario

Space shuttle Atlantis (left) and Endeavour stand on Launch Pads 39A and 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This is likely the last time this will happen. Image Credit: NASA

Two space shuttles now sit out on the launch pads at Kennedy Space Center: Atlantis on 39A for the much anticipated Hubble Repair mission, scheduled to launch on May 12. Over on 39B sits Endeavour, which made the slow journey there early on Friday and she is now poised for the STS-400 LON (Launch On Need) Mission, a mission no one hopes will happen. This would be a mission to rescue the crew of Atlantis should the shuttle be struck by debris – either during launch or during the mission (read more about the risks of debris hit during the Hubble Mission). If STS-400 were necessary what would actually happen?

In the situation where Atlantis and the crew are not in immediate danger, but, for example, the shuttle’s thermal protection system (heat tiles) were compromised from debris hit (from insulating foam from the external tank like Columbia was, or space debris) and the shuttle would be unable to land safely, Endeavour would be launched at a specific time and inclination in order be able to rendezvous with Atlantis. The rescue flight would last 8 days and go as follows:

Once Endeavour and her four-person crew reaches orbit, the preparations for rendezvous with Atlantis would begin. Unlike all previous post-Return to Flight missions, the crew would not perform the standard Thermal Protection System inspection on Flight Day Two, but instead by done after the STS-125 crew was rescued.

Rendezvous of the two shuttles.   Credit: NASA, via NASA
Rendezvous of the two shuttles. Credit: NASA, via NASA

Endeavour would rendezvous with Atlantis the day after launching from the Kennedy Space Center. The two space shuttles would then approach each other payload bay to payload bay, at a 90-degree angle, about 44 ft apart. Endeavour’s robotic arm would grapple the orbital boom system on Atlantis. After Endeavour successfully grapples Atlantis, Endeavour would take attitude control of the “stack” of the two shuttles.

Then, comes the most interesting – and dangerous – part. Spacewalkers from Endeavour would do one space walk on Flight Day 3 to string a tether between both shuttles. On Flight Day 4, they would conduct two spacewalks to retrieve their colleagues from Atlantis.

Once Atlantis’ crew is safely aboard the rescue orbiter, Endeavour’s crew will maneuver the two vehicles to provide the right separation, which would occur during daylight so the crew could watch for any problems.

Atlantis would be released and be commanded from the ground to do deorbit and landing maneuvers and likely crash into the Pacific Ocean.

Seating on the rescue flight return.  Credit: NASA, via NASA
Seating on the rescue flight return. Credit: NASA, via NASA

On Flight Day 5 the dual crew would inspect Endeavour for damage, and if all was well, land on Flight Day 8.

Astronaut John Grunsfeld, one of the four spacewalkers who will fly on Atlantis, says keeping the Hubble telescope flying is a mission worth the risk.

“When you think about risk, it is all relative to what is the reward, and I think in the big picture Hubble is something that I certainly feel is worth risking my life for because it is about something that is so much bigger than all of us,” Grunsfeld said. “It is about science, it is about inspiration, it is about discovery. It is about all the kids who will look at the Hubble images and dream.”

Source: NASA

Link to larger top image

How to Keep Asteroids Away: Tie Them Up

Diagram of an asteroid tether defense



 It may not look like much, but that drawing could save a life someday — or 7 billion.

 David French, a doctoral candidate in aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University is proposing a new tool for the anti-asteroid arsenal.

French said his PhD advisor Andre Mazzoleni, an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the university, were not beholden to grant funds and “we just decided to go off on a direction that’s interesting and exciting.”

Mazzoleni has worked with tethers in other applications, and the two have now come up with a way to effectively divert asteroids and other threatening objects from impacting Earth by attaching a long tether and ballast to the incoming object.

By attaching the ballast, French explains, “you change the object’s center of mass, effectively changing the object’s orbit and allowing it to pass by the Earth, rather than impacting it.”

NASA’s Near Earth Object Program has identified more than 1,000 “potentially hazardous asteroids” and they are finding more all the time. “While none of these objects is currently projected to hit Earth in the near future, slight changes in the orbits of these bodies, which could be caused by the gravitational pull of other objects, push from the solar wind, or some other effect could cause an intersection,” French explains.

He said it’s hard to imagine the scale of both the problem and the potential solutions — but he points out that some asteroid impacts on Earth have been catastrophic. 

“About 65 million years ago, a very large asteroid is thought to have hit the Earth in the southern Gulf of Mexico, wiping out the dinosaurs, and, in 1907, a very small airburst of a comet over Siberia flattened a forest over an area equal in size to New York City,” he said. “The scale of our solution is similarly hard to imagine.”

The idea is to use a tether somewhere in length between 1,000 kilometers (621 miles; roughly the distance from Raleigh to Miami) to 100,000 kilometers (62,137 miles; you could wrap this around the Earth two and a half times).

Other ideas that have emerged sound no less extreme, French notes. Those include painting the asteroids in order to alter how light may influence their orbit, a plan that would guide a second asteroid into the threatening one, and nuclear weapons.

“They probably all have their merits and drawbacks,” he said. “Nuclear weapons are already accessible; we’ve already made them. I can look at my own idea and say it’s long duration and very trackable.”

A tether effort could last in the ballpark of 20 to 50 years, he said, depending on the size and shape of the asteroid and its orbit, and the size of ballast.

French acknowledges there are “technical barriers that have to be surpassed.”

“First, you would have to mitigate the rotation of the asteroid,” he said, adding that the crescent-shaped piece connecting the poles on a globe might make a good conceptual model for a tether anchor, because it would allow for the asteroid’s rotation.

Another problem is the composition,” he added. “Some asteroids are just rubble piles.”

French said his idea was never to have all the kinks worked out on his model before presenting it; he just hoped to add another option to the asteroid-preparedness table.

“We’re opening up the concept, and we invite the broader scientific community to help us solve the issues,” he said.

Source: An NC State press release, via Eurekalert, and an interview with David French.

Podcast: Optical Astronomy

Optical astronomy; now this is the kind of astronomy a human being was born to do. In fact, until the last century, this was the only kind of astronomy anybody ever did. Now we’ve got the whole electromagnetic spectrum to explore, but our heart still belongs to optical astronomy. Of course, with bigger telescopes, better optics and more sensitive detectors, even optical astronomy has come a long way.

Click here to download the episode.

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Infrared Astronomy- Transcript and show notes.

Podcast: Questions Show: Undoing Inflation, Searching for Water, and Seeing Everything a Black Hole’s Ever Eaten

If there was enough mass to cause a big crunch, would inflation go backwards too? How do spacecraft know that hydrogen is bonded to water? And why can’t we see everything that’s ever fallen into a black hole?

If you’ve got a question for the Astronomy Cast team, please email it in to [email protected] and we’ll try to tackle it for a future show. Please include your location and a way to pronounce your name.

Click here to download the episode.

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Infrared Astronomy- Transcript and show notes.

Ancient Antarctic Ecosystem Could be Analog for Life on Other Worlds

An ecosystem found in this region of Antarctica. Courtesy of Jill Mikuck


Scientists have found an ancient ecosystem below an Antarctic glacier, one that has survived millions of years without light or oxygen in a pool of brine. The ecosystem contains a diversity of bacteria that thrive in cold, salty water loaded with iron and sulfur. The water averages 14 degrees Fahrenheit, but doesn’t freeze because the water is three or four times saltier than the ocean. Scientists who discovered and studied the ecosystem found the bacteria convert the iron and sulfur into food. Life found in extreme conditions like this could explain how life might exist on other planets and serve as a model for how life can exist under ice. Some scientists have proposed that life could possibly be found under the outer ice layer of Jupiter’s moon Europa.

Described in the April 17 issue of Science, the ecosystem lives trapped below Taylor Glacier and next to frozen Lake Bonney in eastern Antarctica, said John Priscu a longtime Antarctic researcher. Despite their profound isolation, the microbes are remarkably similar to species found in modern marine environments, suggesting that the organisms now under the glacier are remnants of a larger population that once occupied an open fjord or sea.

Jill Mikucki, lead author of the article, added that life below the glacier may help scientists answer questions about life on “Snowball Earth,” the period when large ice sheets covered the Earth. “This briny pond is a unique sort of time capsule from a period in Earth’s history,” she said. “I don’t know of any other environment quite like this on Earth.”

Priscu said researchers discovered the bacteria while investigating Blood Falls, a curious blood-red feature that flows from Taylor Glacier. They learned that the falls are red because they draw water from an iron rich pool. They discovered different types of bacteria in their samples; the most common bacteria in called Thiomicrospira arctica.

The exact size of the subglacial pool is not known precisely, but it is thought to rest under 400 meters of ice some four kilometers from its tiny outlet at Blood Falls. The researchers can’t drill down to the pool because the glacier is too thick and the pool is too far back from the glacier’s nose, Priscu said.

Sources: EurekAlert, PhysOrg