Rising Temperatures Could Shut Down Plate Tectonics

Venus is known as the Earth’s twin, but a better name might be Earth’s “evil twin” planet. Although Venus has a similar size and mass to Earth, it has a dramatically different surface and atmosphere. And one of the biggest differences is that fact that Earth has plate tectonics, and Venus doesn’t. New research indicates that prolonged atmospheric heat might be able to shut down plate tectonics, and cause our planet’s crust to be locked in place. Don’t worry, this isn’t something we’ll have to worry about for a few hundred million years.

This research was done by scientists from the US, Canada and Australia, and published in this week’s edition of the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. According to the researchers, large amounts of volcanic activity or increases in the Sun’s luminosity could reach a tipping point, where the system of plate tectonics just shuts down.

Don’t worry, this isn’t an article about the dangers of global warming. The kind of temperatures we’re talking about here are beyond anything scientists are expecting from human-induced climate change.

These findings help explain why Venus might have evolved differently from Earth. Although the planet has a very similar size and geological makeup, the atmosphere on Venus is rich in carbon dioxide, and almost 100 times more dense. It acts like a blanket, trapping heat from the Sun, and raising temperatures to more than 450 °C.

Plate tectonics are very important for keeping our mild temperatures here on Earth. The carbon dioxide is pulled out of the air and trapped on the floor of the ocean. This carbon gets returned to the interior of the Earth when a free-floating sections of crust called tectonic plates slide underneath one another.

Scientists think that the Earth’s plate tectonics are stable and self-correcting, assuming excess heat from inside the Earth can escape through the crust. The flowing mantle keeps the tectonic plates moving.

But if the surface of the Earth is heated up for a long period of time, it could make the flowing mantle more viscous, so it stops flowing. This would shut down plate tectonics on Earth.

“We found the Earth’s plate tectonics could become unstable if the surface temperature rose by 38 °C (100 °F) or more for a few million years,” said lead author Adrian Lenardic, associate professor of Earth science at Rice University. “The time period and the rise in temperatures, while drastic for humans, are not unreasonable on a geologic scale, particularly compared to what scientists previously thought would be required to affect a planet’s geodynamics.”

One interesting discovery is that the rise in temperature doesn’t need to boil away the Earth’s oceans. The tectonic shut down could happen, even though there’s still liquid water on the surface of Earth.

Original Source: Rice University News Release

Looking For a Free Ride To Venus?

The folks over at Ars Technica report that the Japanese Space Agency, JAXA, announced they are now accepting proposals for a microprobe that can hitch a ride with the Venus Climate Orbiter, Japan’s upcoming robotic mission to Venus. They will provide a free ride to either a low-Earth orbit or on a trajectory toward Venus. There are just a few requirements that JAXA has specified:

The launch booster for the Venus Climate Orbiter has room for one piggyback probe that can weigh up to 40 kilograms. It must fit into a 50x50x50 centimeter cube. After the microprobe is released, it will be on its own. JAXA will not assist with further correcting its trajectory or inserting it into an orbit around Venus.

The proposal must be submitted by a researcher based at a Japanese institution, and the mission will have to be managed in Japan. However, this does not preclude a Japanese team from collaborating with foreign researchers on a proposal. Also, all the documents for information and proposals are written in Japanese.

But if you’re in the market for a ride to Venus, the deadline for submitting your proposal is May 23, 2008. The announcement of JAXA’s micro-satellite program is posted here, and the specific announcement for piggybacking on Venus Climate Orbiter is here. The requirements for the micro-satellite and the application forms are found here.

Piggybacked micro-mission to a planet has been done before: NASA’s failed Mars Polar Lander mission had two accompanying microprobes, each weighing only 2.4 kilograms, that would have penetrated the Martian soil to take measurements if the mission had gone better. Mars Polar Lander and the two penetrator probes—named Deep Space 2—all failed independently of one another.

Original News Source: Ars Technica

Venus’ Variable Evolution


For every backyard astronomer, we know 4.5 billion years ago, both Venus and Earth were formed with nearly the same radius, mass, density and chemical composition. Venus is like Earth’s evil twin, but why is the climate on both worlds so widely varied? Scientists analysing the data from the orbiting European Venus Express spacecraft are finally putting the pieces of the geological and climatological puzzle together as they take a closer look at Venusian evolution.

Today, Professor Fred Taylor of Oxford University presented the scenario in a talk at the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting in Belfast. According to the studies, Venus appeared to have evolved very rapidly compared to the Earth during the early formation of the solar system. Thanks to data obtained from the Venus Express, it would appear our wicked sister planet once had significant volume of water covering the surface… Oceans which were lost in a very short geological timescale. As the water disappeared, the geological evolution of the surface of Venus slowed quickly – unable to develop plate tectonics like the Earth. Biological evolution could never happen. If, at one time, Venus mirrored Earth in climate and habitability terms, then it evolved too quickly at first, then too slowly.

Venusian atmosphere stripped away by solar winds - ESA‘They may have started out looking very much the same,’ said Professor Taylor, ‘but increasingly we have evidence that Venus lost most of its water and Earth lost most of its atmospheric carbon dioxide.’

Here on Earth, carbon dioxide is captive plant life, minerals and the crust itself. Not to harp on global warming, but the release CO2 back into the atmosphere is a source of climatic change. On Venus, the majority of the carbon dioxide resides it its atmosphere, leaving the surface temperature at a searing 450 degrees Celsius. This slows or stops geological as well as biological evolution.

‘The interesting thing is that the physics is the same in both cases’ said Prof Taylor. ‘The great achievement of Venus Express is that it is putting the climatic behaviour of both planets into a common framework of understanding.’

But, we haven’t heard the last from Venus Express just yet. Due to operate until May 2009, scientists involved in the project are already busy applying for an extension until 2011.

‘We have plans for joint operations with the Japanese spacecraft called Venus Climate Orbiter that will arrive in December 2010’, said Taylor. ‘Together, we can do things neither could do alone to crack some of the remaining puzzles about Venus.’

The Constantly Changing Vortex on Venus


ESA’s Venus Express has been constantly watching the huge swirling vortex of clouds around Venus’ southern pole. It’s a strange weather feature, morphing and changing shape within just a few days. And scientists, as you can probably imagine, are puzzled about what’s going on.

Venus’ south pole vortex is similar to a hurricane here on Earth. It measures 2,000 km (1,240 miles) across, and was discovered by the Mariner 10 flyby in 1974. A second, similar vortex was found at the planet’s north pole by the Pioneer Venus mission in 1979.

“Simply put, the enormous vortex is similar to what you might see in your bathtub once you have pulled out the plug” says Giuseppe Piccioni, co-Principal Investigator for the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on Venus Express, at IASF-INAF, Rome, Italy.

When Venus express observed the vortex in June 2006, it had a roughly hourglass-shape, similar to what Pioneer Venus saw in the north polar region. But with continued observations from Venus Express, scientists are seeing that the storm is much more fickle than they previously thought.

Over the course of just a single day, scientists watched the shape of the storm’s vortex change from a circle to a oval. It’s believed that atmospheric gases are flowing into the region from different directions at different altitudes. The shape of the vortex is a result of changes in temperature across different parts of the planet.

The actual vortex is created because atmospheric gases are heated by the Sun at the equator. They cool near the polar regions and sink down. The rotation of Venus deflects them sideways so they swirl together, like water going down the drain of a bathtub.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Observing the Atmospheres of Venus and Mars Leak into Space (Video)


It turns out that Venus and Mars aren’t actually that different after all. Although Mars has very little atmosphere to speak of and Venus has a stifling, thick, poisonous one, they have one thing in common: the Sun. The solar wind constantly batters the Solar System’s planets, stripping their atmospheres into space. Is it possible that Mars may once have had a thick atmosphere like Venus’, but has long since leaked away?

The twin ESA spacecraft, Venus Express and Mars Express, have very similar instruments on board and are currently orbiting the two planets. Mars Express arrived on December 25th 2003 and Venus Express arrived on April 11th 2006. Venus Express was intended as a “copy” of the older Mars Express design, but some upgrades were required. Primarily, as Venus is two times closer to the Sun, Venus Express needed better protection from solar radiation. There will also be an increase in ionizing high-energy particles hitting the orbiter, so this had to be taken into account.

Apart from a few minor upgrades, the twin Express missions are able to carry out the same observations on both planets, providing ESA scientists with a unique opportunity to compare results of both spacecraft. In fact, for the first time ever, researchers are able to carry out comparative planetology of two planets with two orbiting spacecraft as they are carrying similar instrumentation.

One such instrument is the Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA) that can be found on both spacecraft. ASPERA has detected atmospheric particles leaking into space as the solar wind hits the planetary atmospheres. Both Mars and Venus, despite their difference in orbits and size, exhibit similar patterns of particle loss. As the planets have no uniform magnetic field surrounding the atmosphere, atmospheric particles are easily swept away. In the case of the Earth, our atmosphere is protected by a strong magnetosphere blanketing us from the ferocious solar wind.

Ultimately ESA scientists hope to analyse the rate of particle loss from Mars and Venus so a better picture of planetary evolution can be arrived at. It is possible that the solar wind may be responsible for the very thin Martian atmosphere. Mars is a tiny planet (only half the size of Earth); whereas Venus is often considered to be Earth’s “sister” as it is approximately the same size. Perhaps the low Mars gravity allowed a higher rate of atmospheric loss than Venus.

What ever the conclusion, mission scientists have a lot of work to do. The results will not only help us understand the development of Mars and Venus, it will also aid our understanding about how the Earth is evolving and may give us some clues to the future.

Video: The strong interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere of Venus (ESA)

Source: ESA

The Mysteries Behind the Dynamic Global Weather of Venus


As if the cloudy planet couldn’t get any more mysterious, Venus and its global weather patterns are baffling European Space Agency (ESA) scientists. The ESA Venus Express mission is continuing to unearth the details of what lies in and under its thick atmosphere, but Venus’s dynamic global weather patterns are very quick to consume the whole planet, like nothing we experience on Earth…

The ESA Venus Express missions Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) is a long-term data gathering experiment to monitor the long-term progression of weather systems on the planet. On numerous occasions, the VMC has observed massive clouds of bright, hazy sulphuric acid particles form from equator to pole in a matter of days, only for it to disappear just as quickly. This suggests that fast dynamical, chemical and microphysical processes are at work on the planet in scales never before realized.

This bright haze layer is made of sulphuric acid […] the process is a bit similar to what happens with urban smog over cities.” – Dmitri Titov, VMC Co-Investigator and Venus Express Science Coordinator, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany.

With over 600 orbits completed, the VMC is observing the effects that solar radiation has on the dynamics of Venus’s atmosphere. It is well known that Venus’s atmosphere is carbon dioxide-rich and also contains water molecules and gaseous sulphur dioxide. Should this mix be exposed to UV radiation, the molecules will break up, forming a mix of highly reactive chemicals. As these chemicals bond, droplets of sulphuric acid form, creating planetary-scale clouds of bright haze. However, the planets atmosphere is too thick for much of the solar radiation to penetrate. For the gases to be exposed to UV radiation, some powerful atmospheric process must force them aloft, above much of the dense atmosphere, allowing them to react.

Although the bright haze of Venus’s atmosphere has been identified, many dark patches have also been observed. So far, there is no explanation for these patches of atmospheric chemicals absorbing solar UV, but the presence of the orbiting Venus Express is hoped to shine light on the dark and bright atmospheric features and how the atmosphere is mysteriously driving them.

Source: ESA

Venus Express Detects Water Vapour in Low Altitude Clouds


There’s a real advantage to having a spacecraft orbit a planet for days, months and even years. You have lots and lots of time to really pull in the science. And now, almost 2 years into its visit at our evil twin planet, ESA’s Venus Express has been able to map the planet’s atmosphere at lower altitudes, searching for chemicals that will help scientists understand the planet’s global climate and weather systems.

The planet’s clouds block the visible light from escaping the surface, but other wavelengths, such as infrared, do escape. Since temperatures can reach 200 degrees C at an altitude of 35 km, and more than 450 C at the surface, infrared – or heat – pours out, going right through the clouds. This radiation can then be analyzed to see the chemicals present.

ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft is equipped with a special instrument called the VIRTIS spectrometer, which can measure the atmosphere at various altitudes. It’s already mapped the high altitude clouds, and now VIRTIS has spent the last few orbits mapping the lower atmosphere.

Of course, like the rest of Venus’ atmosphere, the lower altitude clouds are dominated by carbon dioxide – the greenhouse gas that traps the heat in, raising temperatures. VIRTIS also detected carbon monoxide, a chemical that scientists weren’t expecting to see at such low altitudes.

Since carbon monoxide is so rare, scientists can use this as a way to trace global winds that cycle across the planet – sort of like dropping ink into water to study turbulence. VIRTIS was able to determine the large-scale circulation of winds as they rise at the equator and then move north and south towards the poles. Once at the poles, the winds lose altitude again, and circulate back to the beginning.

Venus Express has also detected and mapped the amount of water vapour in the lower atmosphere with high resolution. Since this molecule is so difficult to detect, this has ended a scientific debate about how much there is on Venus.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Lightning Storms Seen on Venus


Venus is a hostile world, with high temperatures, intense pressures, and an atmosphere with sulphuric acid. The Russian spacecraft sent to explore it succumbed in mere hours. Well, now it appears that Venus is even more dangerous than previously imagined, with lightning flashing in the atmosphere.

This latest discovery was made using ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft, currently orbiting our evil twin planet. In a recent article published in the November 29th issue of the journal Nature, planetary geologists describe the lightning storms that flare across the planet.

And these storms aren’t rare. In fact, the scientists think that Venus has more lightning activity than we have here on Earth.

The source of the lightning is different, though. Here on Earth (and Jupiter and Saturn), the electrical energy comes from clouds made up of water vapour. On Venus, however, it’s those clouds of sulphuric acid that generate the electrical charge.

The discovery was made with the Venus Express magnetometer instrument on board the spacecraft. It took measurements once a day for two minutes, when the spacecraft was closest to the planet.

With Venus Express’ primary mission now complete, scientists are expanding its mission to other scientific questions, such as trying to spot infrared radiation from lava flows on the planet’s surface. In 2010, another spacecraft will arrive at Venus: the Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter. Scientists will then be able to compare observations between the two spacecraft.

And any future landers will need to be hardened against these lightning strikes, just in case they happened to descend through a lightning storm.

Original Source: NASA News Release

How to Keep a Venus Rover Cool


In comparison to a mission to Venus, missions to Mars or the Moon are a cakewalk. With temperatures exceeding 450ºC (840ºF) and pressures over 92 times that of the surface of the Earth, landing a rover on the surface of Venus is quite a feat. This, however, is exactly what a research and development team at the NASA John Glenn Research Center hopes to accomplish.

Venus has been explored by a number of different missions, but there is a lot of science yet to be done on the planet.

“Understanding the atmosphere, climate, geology, and history of Venus could shed considerable light on our understanding of our own home planet. Yet the surface of Venus is the most hostile operating environment of any of the solid-surface planets in the solar system,” wrote Dr. Geoffrey Landis of the NASA John Glenn Research Center.

The extreme conditions on Venus make traditional rover technology impossible: the heat and pressure combined wreak havoc on any electronic components, and the atmosphere of Venus, mostly composed of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, is highly corrosive on metal parts. And if this weren’t enough, the thick atmosphere makes the light conditions on the surface like a rainy day on Earth, which limits the potential of solar energy.

To solve the problem of putting electronics on the surface, the team will split the mission into two: a rover that will have limited electronic components in pressurized chamber cooled to under 300ºC (570ºF), and an airplane that will fly in the middle atmosphere of the planet, where the temperature is more moderate and the pressure not as great. The airplane will contain most of the more sensitive electrical components like computers, and will assist in relaying all the information back to Earth.

The Russian Venera lander to last the longest on the surface of Venus operated for a mere two hours before being crushed, but the rover for this mission will be designed to last more than 50 days.

Extreme conditions call for extreme technology; the team analyzed the possibility of using a number of different sources of energy, from solar to nuclear to microwave beaming. Solar power just can’t provide the energy necessary to run the rover and cool everything down, and microwave beaming energy from the airplane – which would collect solar energy – isn’t feasible because of how new the technology is.

This leaves nuclear power, something that has been used in past missions such as Galileo, Voyager, the current Cassini probe. To power the rover with nuclear energy, though, there is a twist: the heat produced by bricks of Plutonium will power a Stirling engine, an engine that uses the pressure difference between two chambers to produce mechanical energy with very high efficiency. This mechanical energy can be used to power the wheels directly, or transferred to electrical energy for the electrical and cooling systems, and the technology is being adapted to work on Venus.

“We’ve been working on Stirling technology for many years. The project reported was a project to design a Stirling specifically for Venus – which makes for a very different design in some ways; notably in that the heat rejection temperature is extremely hot – but we are building from existing technology, not developing it from scratch,” wrote Dr. Landis

The airplane would study the atmospheric conditions and Venus’ electric field, while the rover would place seismic stations and study surface conditions. A camera is almost definite on the airplane, and while it would be difficult to put a camera on the rover, it is not entirely out of the question.

When can you expect to see images of the surface, or hear more about the sulfuric acid clouds that envelop the planet?

“It’s a mission concept study so far, not a funded mission, so it’s not actually scheduled to take place. However, there’s a lot of interest in flying it in the 2015-2020 time frame,” said Dr. Landis.

Source: Acta Astronautica

Podcast: Venus

The planet Venus, as imagined by the Magellan 10 mission. Credit: NASA/JPL

Last week we talked about Mercury, so this week our planetary parade proceeds to Venus. It’s the brightest object in the sky, the hottest object in the solar system, and it’s probably one of the most deadly places to go and visit. You might be amazed to know that spacecraft have actually reached the surface of Venus and taken pictures. Find out more about our Earth’s evil twin planet.

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