stellar flyby

Where Are All These Rogue Planets Coming From?

There's a population of planets that drifts through space untethered to any stars. They're called rogue planets or free-floating planets…

4 months ago

What Would Happen to Earth if a Rogue Star Came Too Close?

Stars are gravitationally fastened to their galaxies and move in concert with their surroundings. But sometimes, something breaks the bond.…

8 months ago

Stellar Flybys Leave a Permanent Mark on Newly Forming Planetary Systems

What do UX Tauri, RW Aurigae, AS 205, Z CMajoris, and FU Orionis have in common? They're young stellar systems…

2 years ago

Astronomers See a Star Crash Through the Planetary Disk of Another Star

What causes an otherwise unremarkable star to become over 100 times brighter? That's a question astronomers have been pondering since…

3 years ago

In 1.3 Million Years, a Star Will Come Within 24 Light-Days of the Sun

Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of Russian scientists have concluded that a star will make a close…

3 years ago

In the Far Future, Stellar Flybys Will Completely Dismantle the Solar System

Consumption and disintegration. Next time you want to be the life of the party—if you're hanging out with cool nerds…

4 years ago

At the Heart of the Milky Way, Stars Come Close to Each Other All the Time

A new study provides new estimates on how often stars near the center of our galaxy experience "close encounters," which…

4 years ago