
How Old is That Star? Ask a Computer

A new machine learning technique could make it much easier to estimate the age of stellar populations.

1 year ago

A Galaxy has Been Found that’s Almost Entirely Dark Matter

Astronomers have discovered a galaxy with very little or no stellar mass. Galaxies like these are called 'dark galaxies.' It…

1 year ago

Binary Dwarf Stars Found Orbiting Each Other Every 20 Hours. They Were Once Almost Touching

A team of astrophysicists has discovered a binary pair of ultra-cool dwarfs so close together that they look like a…

2 years ago

The Donut That Used To Be a Star

The death of a star is one of the most dramatic natural events in the Universe. Some stars die in…

2 years ago

A Black Hole Consumed a Star and Released the Light of a Trillion Suns

When a flash of light appears somewhere in the sky, astronomers notice. When it appears in a region of the…

2 years ago

Planets Make it Harder to Figure out a Star’s age

Estimating stellar age has always been a challenge for astronomers. Now, a certain class of exoplanets is making the process…

2 years ago

Another Reason Red Dwarfs Might Be Bad for Life: No Asteroid Belts

In a recent study accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters, a team of researchers at the University of Nevada, Las…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find a Star That Contains 65 Different Elements

Have you ever held a chunk of gold in your hand? Not a little piece of jewelry, but an ounce…

2 years ago

TESS Finds Almost 100 Quadruple Star Systems

NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has found over 5000 candidate exoplanet candidates, and 197 confirmed exoplanets since its mission…

2 years ago

Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a White Dwarf

Most stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. White dwarfs are the remnant cores of once-luminous stars like our…

2 years ago