
What Was the Carrington Event?

In 1859, the Sun gave off the most powerful solar flare on record. A blast of radiation and particles so…

8 years ago

Shape-shifting neutrinos earn physicists the 2015 Nobel

What do Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Paul Dirac, and Marie Curie have in common? They each won the Nobel prize in…

9 years ago

This Video About Solar Superstorms is Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch and It Looks Awesome.

What's better than a full 180-degree digital theater experience that takes you into the heart of our Sun to see…

10 years ago

Watch an Enormous “Plasma Snake” Erupt from the Sun

Over the course of April 28–29 a gigantic filament, briefly suspended above the surface* of the Sun, broke off and…

10 years ago

Orbiting Solar Observatory Sees It Burn, Burn, Burn: The Ring of Fire

Did you catch the solar eclipse on October 23? If so, you saw the Moon "take a bite" out of…

10 years ago

Enjoy This Eye-Meltingly Awesome Photo of Our Sun

Here's yet another glorious photo of our home star, captured and processed by New York artist and photographer Alan Friedman on…

10 years ago

The Sun Fires Off a Third X-Class Flare

Remember yesterday when we mentioned two X-class flares erupting from the Sun within the space of about an hour? We…

11 years ago

This Was the Best Watched Solar Flare Ever

Are giant dragons flying out of the Sun? No, this is much more awesome than that: it's an image of…

11 years ago

Astronomy Cast 322: SOHO

As we've mentioned before, the Sun is a terrifying ball of plasma. It's a good thing we're keeping an eye…

11 years ago

Watch the Sun Split Apart

Here's your amazing oh-my-gosh-space-is-so-cool video of the day -- a "canyon of fire" forming on the Sun after the liftoff…

11 years ago