
This is a Scale Model of the Solar System Like You’ve Never Seen Before

We've all seen illustrations of the Solar System. They're in our school textbooks, on posters, on websites, on t-shirts... in…

9 years ago

If the Sun Were the Size of a Person, How Big Would an Asteroid Be?

I love anything that attempts to provide a sense of scale about the Solar System (see here and here for…

11 years ago

Watch the Rise and Fall of a Towering Inferno on the Sun

Caught on camera by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, a prominence blazes hundreds of thousands of miles out from the Sun's surface (i.e.,…

11 years ago

Asteroids VS. Your Hometown: Fun but Frightening Graphics Compare Asteroid Sizes to Places on Earth

So, how big is that space rock? Sometimes when I see data on sizes and distances in relation to stuff…

11 years ago

How To Measure the Universe

Measuring distance doesn't sound like a very challenging thing to do -- just pick your standard unit of choice and…

13 years ago