red giant stars

New Types of Hidden Stars Seen for the First Time

Astronomers performing a vast infrared variable star survey have discovered new additions to the stellar menagerie. These new types of…

12 months ago

The Discovery of a Hot Neptune that Shouldn’t Exist

1800 light-years away, an unlikely survivor orbits an aged star. This rare planet is called a hot Neptune, and it's…

2 years ago

Binary Stars Live Complicated Lives, Especially Near the End

We know what will happen to our Sun. It'll follow the same path other stars of its ilk follow. It'll…

2 years ago

Astronomers Caught Betelgeuse Just Before it Started Dimming and Might Have Seen a Pressure Wave Rippling Through its Atmosphere

A couple of years ago, Betelgeuse generated much interest when it started dimming. That caught the attention of astronomers worldwide,…

3 years ago

Slimmed Down Red Giants Had Their Mass Stolen By a Companion Star

Millions of stars that can grow up to 620 million miles in diameter, known as 'red giants,' exist in our…

3 years ago

Dying Star Puffs out six Smoke Rings

A red giant star is dying in an unusual way by blowing smoke rings before its eminent demise.

3 years ago

Giant Stars and the Ultimate Fate of the Sun

Astronomers have a new tool to help them understand giant stars. It's a detailed study of the precise temperatures and…

3 years ago

When the Sun Dies, Earth’s Magnetosphere won’t Provide Protection any More

The Earth’s magnetic field is an underappreciated wonder of the natural world.  It protects our atmosphere, provides some of the…

3 years ago

Measuring the Temperatures of Red Giants is Actually Pretty Tricky

Red giant stars are, well, red and giant. But astronomers have always had difficulty estimating their temperatures, due to their…

4 years ago

The Oldest Stars Help Tell us how big the Universe is

Astronomers are struggling to understand the discrepancies when measuring the expansion rate of the universe with different methods, and are…

4 years ago