Red Dwarf Stars

A Planet has Been Found That Shifts In and Out of the Habitable Zone

A super-Earth planet has been found orbiting a red dwarf star, only 37 light-years from the Earth. Named Ross 508…

2 years ago

Astronomers Have a New Way to Find Exoplanets in Cataclysmic Binary Systems

Have you heard of LU Camelopardalis, QZ Serpentis, V1007 Herculis and BK Lyncis? No, they're not members of a boy…

2 years ago

Astronomers Look at Super-Earths That had Their Atmospheres Stripped Away by Their Stars

A new study examines two rocky exoplanets (TOI-1634b and TOI-1685b) that appear to have been stripped of their atmospheres.

3 years ago

Gliese 486b is a Hellish World With Temperatures Above 700 Kelvin

The CARMENES consortium recently discovered a super-Earth just 21 light-years away that will be the perfect test case for exoplanets…

4 years ago

Astronomers are now Finding Planetary Disks Around the Smallest, Least Massive Stars

Astronomers have been watching planetary systems form around sun-like stars for decades. And now, new observations with the ALMA telescope…

4 years ago

Astronomers Thought They’d Found a Red Dwarf That Wasn’t Hostile to its Habitable Zone Planets. They Were Wrong

New research using Hubble archive data shows that GJ 887, the nearby red dwarf star system with two exoplanets, might…

4 years ago

Do the TRAPPIST-1 Planets Have Atmospheres?

A new study takes a hard look at the TRAPPIST-1 system to determine if its seven exoplanets could have viable…

4 years ago

In the far future, the universe will be mostly invisible

If you look out on the sky on a nice clear dark night, you'll see thousands of intense points of…

4 years ago

How Did the TRAPPIST-1 Planets Get Their Water?

A new study by an international team of astronomers raises questions about the existence of debris belts around red dwarf…

4 years ago

Giant Planets Could Form Around Tiny Stars in Just a Few Thousand Years

A new study has shown how gas giants (like Proxima c) can exist around Red Dwarf suns, the most common…

5 years ago