Occator crater

It’s Starting to Look Like Ceres is an Ocean World, Too

A new and thorough analysis of high-resolution images and data from NASA’s Dawn mission have now provided fresh insights into…

4 years ago

Brightest ‘Spot’ on Ceres is Likely a Cryovolcano

The bright regions on the dwarf planet Ceres have been some of the most talked about features in planetary science…

7 years ago

NASA Approves New Horizons Extended KBO Mission, Keeps Dawn at Ceres

In an ‘Independence Day’ gift to a slew of US planetary research scientists, NASA has granted approval to nine ongoing…

8 years ago

Landslides and Bright Craters on Ceres Revealed in Marvelous New Images from Dawn

Now in orbit for just over a year at dwarf planet Ceres, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft continues to astound us with…

8 years ago

Flyover Video of Ceres Shows the Grandeur of Space Exploration

Wow. This video will knock your socks off ... at least it did mine. This new flyover video of Ceres…

9 years ago

Dawn Starts Steep Descent to Most Dazzling Orbit of Ceres

The most dazzling views ever seen of dwarf planet Ceres and its mysterious bright spots are what’s on tap by…

9 years ago

Scientists Tantalized as Dawn Yields Global Mineral and Topographic Maps of Ceres

Slowly but surely the mysteries of dwarf planet Ceres are being peeled back layer by layer as NASA’s Dawn spacecraft…

9 years ago