
Melting Water in Mars’ Past Could Have Created Martian Gullies

A recent study published in Science examines how thin channels inside impact craters on Mars could have formed from Martian…

1 year ago

New Climate Model Accurately Predicts Millions of Years of Ice Ages

New research by a team of Japanese climatologists and an astronomer shows how astronomical forces have caused major changes in…

1 year ago

Did Titan Give Saturn its Tilt?

Giant planets like Saturn don't just tilt over all by themselves: something has to knock them over, or tug on…

3 years ago

Mars has Been Through Many Ice Ages in the Last Billion Years

Like Earth, Mars has experienced periods of extreme glaciation or ice sheet coverage, which are known as ice ages. As…

4 years ago

Into Oblivion: What If the Earth Had No Moon?

AVAST gentle reader: mild SPOILER(S) and graphic depictions of shattered satellites ahead! We recently had a chance to catch Oblivion,…

11 years ago