Neutron Stars

Neutron Stars: Why study them? What makes them so fascinating?

Over the last several months, Universe Today has explored a plethora of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets,…

4 weeks ago

These Three Neutron Stars Shouldn't Be So Cold

Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the Universe, second only to black holes. Like black holes, neutron stars…

4 weeks ago

Simulating the Last Moments Before Neutron Stars Merge

When stars reach the end of their life cycle, they shed their outer layers in a supernova. What is left…

1 month ago

Is this the Lightest Black Hole or Heaviest Neutron Star?

About 40,000 light-years away, a rapidly spinning object has a companion that's confounding astronomers. It's heavier than the heaviest neutron…

6 months ago

Gravitational Waves From Pulsars Could Be Used to Probe the Interior of the Sun

Gravitational waves from known pulsars might be used to probe the interior of the Sun.

1 year ago

When Neutron Stars Collide, the Explosion is Perfectly Spherical

Kilonova explosions are almost perfectly spherical, which could help us study cosmic expansion.

1 year ago

Magnetars are Extreme in Every Way, Even Their Volcanoes

In a recent study published in Nature Astronomy, an international team of researchers led by NASA and The George Washington…

1 year ago

This Binary System is Destined to Become a Kilonova

Kilonovae are extraordinarily rare. Astronomers think there are only about 10 of them in the Milky Way. But they're extraordinarily…

1 year ago

Nature’s Ultra-Rare Isotopes Can’t Hide from this New Particle Accelerator

A new particle accelerator at Michigan State University is producing long-awaited results. It's called the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams,…

2 years ago

A Solar Gravitational Lens Will be Humanity's Most Powerful Telescope. What are its Best Targets?

In the future, astronomers could use the Sun's gravity as a telescopic lens, and map the surfaces of nearby exoplanets.

2 years ago