Neutron Star

A Close Pulsar Measures 11.4 km Across

When massive stars detonate as supernovae, they leave often behind a pulsar. These fast rotating stellar corpses have fascinated scientists…

2 weeks ago

Neutron Stars: Why study them? What makes them so fascinating?

Over the last several months, Universe Today has explored a plethora of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets,…

4 weeks ago

Astronomers Will Get Gravitational Wave Alerts Within 30 Seconds

Any event in the cosmos generates gravitational waves, the bigger the event, the more disturbance. Events where black holes and…

3 months ago

A Neutron Star Merged with a Surprisingly Light Black Hole

Galactic collisions, meteor impacts and even stellar mergers are not uncommon events. neutron stars colliding with black holes however are…

4 months ago

It Takes a Supercomputer to Properly Simulate a Neutron Star’s Surface

Neutron stars, the remains of massive stars that have imploded and gone supernova at the end of their life, can…

4 months ago

Neutron Stars are Jetting Material Away at 40% the Speed of Light

It’s a well known fact that black holes absorb anything that falls into them. Often before material ‘vanishes’ inside it…

4 months ago

This Supernova Lit Up the Sky in 1181. Here’s What it Looks Like Now

Historical astronomical records from China and Japan recorded a supernova explosion in the year 1181. It was in the constellation…

4 months ago

Simulation Perfectly Matches What We See When Neutron Stars Collide

There are many mysteries in the world of astronomy and a fair number relate to the processes during the end…

7 months ago

Spider Pulsars are Tearing Apart Stars in the Omega Cluster

Pulsars are extreme objects. They're what's left over when a massive star collapses on itself and explodes as a supernova.…

8 months ago

Gravitational Waves Reveal Surprising Secrets About Neutron Stars

The confirmation of gravitational waves back in 2017 continues to unlock whole new worlds of physics but also continues to…

3 years ago