
A Star was Blocking a Galaxy, but Now it’s Moved Enough That Astronomers can Finally Examine What it Was Hiding

One of the biggest puzzles in astronomy, and one of the hardest ones to solve, concerns the formation and evolution…

2 years ago

Jupiter is up to 9% Rock and Metal, Which Means it Ate a lot of Planets in its Youth

Jupiter is composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. The amounts of each closely conform to the theoretical quantities in…

2 years ago

The Large Magellanic Cloud Stole one of its Globular Clusters

Astronomers have known for years that galaxies are cannibalistic. Massive galaxies like our own Milky Way have gained mass by…

3 years ago

Why do Planetary Nebulae Look the Way They Do?

Planetary nebulae are the most beautiful objects in the night sky. Their gossamer shells of gas are otherworldly and evocative.…

4 years ago

Some of the Milky Way’s oldest stars aren’t where they’re expected to be

Some of the oldest stars in our galaxy have orbits similar to the Sun, and we don't know why

4 years ago

The Spherical Structure at the Core of the Milky Way Formed in a Single Burst of Star Formation

Like other spiral galaxies, the Milky Way has a bulging sphere of stars in its center. It's called "The Bulge,"…

4 years ago

Searching for Phosphorus in Other Stars

The Search for Life can be a lot messier than it sounds. The three words make a nice, tidy title,…

4 years ago

Here’s a New Planetary Nebula for Your Collection: CVMP 1

Some stars die a beautiful death, ejecting their outer layers of gas into space, then lighting it all up with…

4 years ago

A New Technique to Figure Out How Old Stars Are

Our understanding of the universe, and of the Milky Way, is built on an edifice of individual pieces of knowledge,…

6 years ago

Ancient Star Found that’s Only Slightly Younger than the Universe Itself

Thanks to a team from John Hopkins University, a star was recently discovered that is 13.5 billion years old, almost…

6 years ago